Monday, November 10, 2008

Another Dumb Poll For Idiots and A Holiday For Czarbie


Like people don't know this already...Judas Priest people. Boycott the idiots that make a living "polling"...they don't "report", they sway.

From the WSJ...The Polls Show That Reaganism Is Not Dead

Ya think? OH MY GOD! It is a GOOD thing that the pollsters are letting me know that which we already know. Good grief. If the pollsters were to drop dead, I wouldn't miss any sleep over it. It is about time the American People started using their damn brains and get off of the video games and that retarded squawk box called a television.

More of this stupidity here at Memeorandum...and here also...

In other news, the Obama Goons want a holiday for the illegal alien Marxist Obama.

Obamunists Demand National Holiday for Their Messiah
The Moonbat Messiah hasn't even taken office and already his Kool-Aid–guzzling supporters are pushing for a national holiday in his honor.

Imagine if he ever accomplishes anything, other than being black and having been chosen by the media as a figurehead for moonbattery. A single day won't be enough to honor him. Maybe we'll have a Barack Obama month, during which Caucasians will be required to march up and down the streets beating, cutting, and/or flagellating themselves for their imaginary crimes like Muslims on Ashura. [...]
Hell. He isn't even black. He is a hybrid...a half-breed or at least a third-breed mostly Muslim in origin. Like he said at his first Gaffe Conference...he's a mutt.

A Holiday? But what has he done to deserve it?
For a guy who’s never done much other than win an office isn’t this going a bit too far?

Plans are being made to promote a national holiday for Barack Obama, who will become the nation’s 44th president when he takes the oath of office Jan. 20.

Things like this smack of a bit of cultishness to me. [...]
Really? Cultish? How about psychotic? Weasel Zippers wants to know if the holiday will be called Dear Leader's Day or November Socialist Revolution Day. I would imagine that we could have some fun with this. How about the National We Elected an Illegal Alien Marxist Day? Ed Morrissey says that this is merely a continuation of that Cult of Personality thing. Indeed.

I don't think we have a heavy fight on this. Even the psychotic cocaine dealer Obama won't take this holiday thing seriously.

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