Saturday, November 8, 2008

Another First For Illegal Aliens


The top dog illegal alien just had his first national security briefing. Yep. That's right. The Marxist clown that won an election that couldn't pass the rigors of a Top Secret Security CLearance because of his enemy of the state associations has been briefed on things none of us will ever be. Only in America is that possible. His first Press Conference, the latest of sources for Gaffe Material has also been accomplished (view it here) and his "cocaine brain" symptoms are plainly evident.

In other news, Newt Gingrich is "considering" a run at the RNC top dufus position. The link is from STACLU but one of the TOCB contributors reported it already on their BTR shows. I have mixed emotions about that but at this time any change at the top of the RINO Consortium of Idiots would be welcomed.

The Battle is Over, the War Begins
Today I unpacked my winter clothes in preparation for a long winter, and a long winter is coming if not of the thermometer, then of the soul. A man that represents not simply an opposing view but the view of those who oppose America and all it stands for, will sit in the Oval Office.

Worse still he did not get there through a democratic election but through fraud, voter intimidation and every dirty trick culminating in a campaign that had little in common with conventional American politics and a great deal in common with the cults of personality cultivated by totalitarian dictators. [...] read the rest...
Will Republicans Have the Courage to Hit the Reset Button
So, the voters of the United States have spoken. They have chosen – or we have chosen because it is important to treat the presidency with respect, something the Progressive-Left wouldn’t have understood until now – a 47-year old multiracial man, who had a decidedly “Progressive” upbringing, who taught community activist organizations to pressure financial institutions into embracing bad business practices, whose records when in the Illinois Senate were destroyed and who started campaigning for the presidency almost from the beginning of his US Senate career. Congratulations, President-Elect Obama. You pulled it off.

We, as a people, chose Obama, questionable theology and all, to be president over an increasingly inclusive, reach-across-the-aisle, established war hero who proved his love of country through bone-breaking torture at the Hanoi Hilton. We chose Obama, questionable political ideological belief system and all, over a seasoned Senator with a proven track record of getting things done and a man the mainstream media used to adore before he dared to run against the “First Black President,” even though Obama really isn’t all that “Black” (a genealogical examination of Obama’s family line indicates he is 50% Caucasian, 43.75% Arab, and 6.25% African corresponding to the demographic of his Great-Great-Grandparents: 8 Caucasians, 7 Arabs and one African). [...] read the rest
The Communist Cancer in America
The workingmen of Europe feel sure that, as the American War of Independence initiated a new era of ascendancy for the middle class, so the American Antislavery War will do for the working classes. They consider it an earnest of the epoch to come that it fell to the lot of Abraham Lincoln, the single-minded son of the working class, to lead his country through the matchless struggle for the rescue of an enchained race and the reconstruction of a social world. - Marx to Lincoln (Address of the International Working Men's Association to Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America) [...] read the rest
The Rise of a Socialist America
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened." – Norman Thomas, American socialist, 1948
Americans did not worry about Norman Thomas' statement when he first uttered these words. The likelihood that the United States of America, the nation of liberty, would fall victim to the wiles of Socialism, seemed impossible. And when Ronald Reagan captured the presidency as the 1980's opened, the liberal attempt at gaining full power seemed to be defeated for good. The platform of Conservatism had produced landslide elections, created a prosperous economy after the economic darkness of the 70's, and reminded the world that America is the strength of the world and that peace comes through that strength.

When Bill Clinton threatened to damage the growth of this country economically, Conservative Republicans gained control of Congress, balanced the budget, and a new economic prosperity emerged. After using the veto pen twice against it, Clinton was even convinced to sign legislation that reformed welfare. [...] read the rest.
Socialism, And The Fate of the Republican Party
[...] Conservatives have been growing angry with the Republican Party with each passing year. George W. Bush, as much as he claimed to be, was not a Conservative in the strictest sense of what a Conservative is. The Republicans in Congress have not stood up for Conservative Values and Principles since the early 90's, for the most part. And the candidate the Republican Leadership offered for president in this election, John McCain, is a moderate famous for bucking the party and sitting with his Democrat buddies across the aisle. The Conservatives like myself that did vote for McCain did so reluctantly, primarily because an Obama presidency was just too frightening to imagine. Don't get me wrong, I agree with McCain on many things, but in turn, there are many positions of his I disagree with as well.

This is why Sarah Palin energized the Conservative Base so much. She was drawing crowds larger than what McCain was drawing because the Conservatives of this country saw her as a breath of fresh air. I could almost hear a collective "Finally" being shouted out by the Conservative Base when it was announced she was McCain's running mate. [...]
Read, memorize, print and distribute the List of 45 people. We have work to do.

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