Saturday, November 8, 2008

Durban II: Egregious Arrogance Part 5

  1. Quit the U.N. Get the U.S.A. out of the U.N. and vice versa!!!
  2. Outlaw Islam! Amend the U. S. Constitution to exclude Islam from the definition of religion. Copy the blog post with the petition text, signature link, and links to the evidence presented. Paste it into an email and broadcast it widely!!
  3. Ban Islam , written & posted by a Canadian Crusader, this petition asks the World Court to ban Islam. In two weeks, this petition has garnered 108 signatures, many from Europeans. Please sign this petition, copy it, paste it into an email & send it to everyone in your address book. Ask the recipients to pass it on.
  4. Ban Islam (from Canada) Our companion from the north has a great petition to P.M. Harper!
  5. Muhammad, A Symbol Of Terrorism Please forgive me for forgetting to post this when I discovered it. SYED JAMALUDDIN obviously put a great deal of time and effort into creating this excellent petition which lays out the critical evidence against Moe's damnable murder cult. It should have 80 million signatures, not just 80!!! In adition to the ayat & ahadith I use, Syed quotes Ishak & Tabari, laying bare the evil which is the core of Islam.
  6. Ban The Qur'an as Hate Speech petition 1283 signatures as of 04/06/08. Why not give this short, simpel petition one more signature?
  7. In Defense of Geert Wilders petition 7925 signatures as of 04/06/08.
  8. Wafa Sultan's petition to ban domestic application of Sharia. [08/08]

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