Friday, November 7, 2008

Finding the American flag in Seattle


In Seattle they've finally found a reason to be proud of this country. The victory of Obama has them thinking about scrawling a flag on construction paper and maybe even putting it somewhere it can be seen, but that would take courage, and Seattle is no place to look for class or courage:

Real pride:

There was one McCain supporter, but...

The only common sense that could be found came from a flag maker:

And so it goes. Throughout this country there is one thing that has been proven this election season. Democrats, and liberals in particular, are for the most part intolerant, childish and prone to fascistic impulses. Many studies will tell you that those on the left wallow in hatred and envy, and that explains a lot of unAmerican attitudes easily found there. As one who follows politics closely, I'll be watching Barack Obama closely for what he does on the federal level, but I'm no fool. The real danger can be found in the mindless hordes of leftist followers who are eager to abandon America and her ideals if it can profit them in some way. They are the ones who enforce the dogma on the street, and like Woodrow Wilson's thugs who jailed, beat and murdered those not deemed sufficiently patriotic enough, the glazed eye liberal you pass on the street today may be the black shirted fascisti you will be fighting tomorrow. They'll certainly fight for their freedom to shut down any opposition. Will you fight to invite them to try?

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