Friday, November 7, 2008

Spin Me Rides 'Round Mr O


(posted at Digital Journal)

Bill O’Reilly’s “No Spin Zone” was full of spin in his "Talking Points" opening Thursday night. He desperately tried to make the case that covering gossip from unnamed “insider campaign” sources was actually news. He even went so far to claim that not covering the childish snipes from losing, out of work campaigners would be “suppressing” news.

It seems the populist Bill O’Reilly is vying for head clown in the circus act that calls themselves main stream media. He has the audacity to claim that suppressing gossip (I mean news) just because people don’t want to hear bad things about someone they like, would make his show entertainment instead of news. His show is entertainment. He has weekly trivia contests and is repeatedly over emotional. Any woman conducting a show the way he carries his would be skewered, and rightfully so.

We hear the same things from this guy over and over. Anyone unwilling to come onto his show is either foolish because of his high ratings, or scared of him. This from the same man who in the spring of 2002 made the claim that “God helps those who help themselves” is an actual passage from the Bible. That was the day I stopped trusting Mr. O. I hate to break it to you Bill, but you are just like the rest of us out here in the real world. Sometimes you get it right and you do your job well, but sometimes you get it wrong and mess up royally. There is no defense on airing and your style of coverage on Carl Cameron’s inside gossip. The real news here was that the Palin children have shown more grace, dignity, and maturity than McCain staffers. .........

Read the rest HERE.

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