Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Howard Dean Drafted for RNC Chair


Why not? He used Karl Rove's strategy and it worked while the RINOs were relegated to known failed practices. Who knows. If the price is right, maybe The Dean Screamer will do the GOP/RNC some good. Oh. Wait. That was satire. I get it now. My bad. But, does that mean that Karl Rove has been vindicated now? Just curious.

In other news...


WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT LISTEN TO DAVID FRUM. HE HAS LOST HIS BLOODY MIND. The silly lad wants the GOP to move MORE to the left. Idiot.


John Avlon at PJM says GOP needs to be more centrist to win...DO NOT LISTEN TO THAT TOTAL NONSENSE!! He thinks McCain was Conservative.

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