Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obama Lied In April of 2008 - Go Figure - HAMAS Connections


Damn. Thank God - D'OH! I mean (g)od - don't want to damage the sensitivities of those moron libtard moonbat fruit loop brigades - that Al Goreacle, the Global Warming Myth Fraud for inventing the internet that he denied and then Pelosi reaffirmed. That way, I could store a BUNCH of stuff for a rainy day via my Google Reader (the enemy camp). It just so happens that we got several inches of rain recently - like YESTERDAY - and I couldn't help but recall how John McCain was raked over the coals for making the claim that Obama was talking to HAMAS.

John McCain dropped the issue all in the name of High Road Politics and I can only surmise that he didn't want to be classified as a racist. Well, Obama is the #1 racist in the Nation today and he is also a pathological liar. I know - I am being mean-spirited because I am revealing Truth. SIGH.

Remember that headline at the Huff and Puff? I do. And I dragged it out of retirement just for this post. Oh. Darn. The libtard moonbat fruit loop brigade members will be a little tweaked about this but, that is what I like about blogging the most...driving the libtards more libtardier.

However, a little foreground before the background.

Recently, the illegal alien Marxist Obama went to the White House to speak confidentially with President Bush. Apparently, Obama doesn't respect anything in confidence. He was with President Bush aides...just a man (GWB) and a boy (BHO). Some how, the confidential chat "leaked out". I can only surmise that Barry has the inability to store data so it has this trickle down aversion and he cannot hold down a thought for very long.

First he whined about the meeting. Pat Dollard says that the "Bushes Meet Natural Born Muslim And His Husband"...not sure what that means but I thought to throw it into the mix. Then, Barry's cocaine brain sprung a leak and now GWB and the rest of the world now know that Barry cannot keep secrets or anything close in when it is understood that confidentiality does actually mean something. Makes me wonder about all these CIA Briefings and National Security Briefings the fool is getting. Nothing like telling an illegal alien with terrorist attachments State Secrets. DAMN! I mean, D.A.M.N.!
By divulging the content of his private conversation with Bush, Barack Obama has just demonstrated to world leaders that he cannot be trusted with confidential information. So much for Obama personal diplomacy as an asset, if not a cure all, for America’s pressing international problems. I cannot imagine any savvy politician ignoring the lesson or not advised by his advisers to remember it well. [...]
Barack will be a GREAT disinformation and misinformation tool in the years to come. No wonder he didn't conduct any committee meetings. Anyway...back to HAMAS.

Reported Obama-Hamas Contacts Bode Ill
In an interview published Tuesday in the London-based Al-Hayat, Dr. Ahmad Yousef, political adviser to Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, said senior Hamas figures had held a secret meeting with advisers to Barack Obama in Gaza before the U.S. elections.

Throughout his campaign Obama’s official line was that he would “only talk with Hamas if it renounces terrorism, recognizes Israel’s right to exist, and agrees to abide by past agreements.”

Yet Damascus-based Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal responded to Obama’s win on an optimistic note, telling Australia’s Sky News on Saturday that his organization was “ready for dialogue with President Obama and with the new American administration with an open mind.”

On Saturday night, though, Obama’s senior foreign policy coordinator Denis McDonough seemed to hold the fort, deflecting Mashaal’s amiability by reiterating Obama’s three-part formula for making Hamas acceptable.

For those who don’t want America to have dealings with an Islamist terror organization like Hamas, that may have sounded reassuring. But now it seems it may be too soon to feel reassured.

According to Yousef in the Al-Hayat interview, the Obama-Hamas talks were already ongoing during the U.S. election campaign: “We were in contact with a number of Obama’s aides through the Internet, and later met with some of them in Gaza, but they advised us not to reveal this information as it may influence the elections or become manipulated by McCain’s campaign.” [...]
Obama Adviser Who Met With Hamas Is Back
Six months ago Obama's foreign-policy adviser, Robert Malley, resigned from the campaign. The resignation was due to Times of London reporting that Malley had been meeting privately with Hamas leaders on a regular basis - something that Obama had publicly pledged not to do.

Now it appears Malley is back [...]
Did Obama’s team meet with Hamas before the election?
Two Israeli newspapers print the claim from Hamas today that Barack Obama’s team met with the terrorist group before the elections. The Jerusalem Post and Ha’aretz both report that Hamas says it met with Obama advisers in the Gaza Strip before last Tuesday’s elections, after first having made connections via the Internet: [...]
Senior Hamas Official: Obama Advisors Met Secretly With Hamas
Ahmad Yousef, political advisor to the Hamas government in Gaza, has said that advisors to U.S. president-elect Barack Obama have met secretly in Gaza with senior Hamas officials.

Source: Al-Hayat, London, November 11, 2008
Democrats and terrorists ladies and gentlemen...democrats and terrorists. Two peas in a pod with the same motivation and end game. Can't hardly tell which one is listening or talking to whom or which one is negotiating with whom or which one is dictating to whom.

To add insult to injury...

Obama Sends Man Linked With Terror Group AND George Soros to Deal With Egypt/Syria
News services in Israel are on fire with talk that Barack Obama has just sent a supporter of the terror group Hamas as his envoy to Syria and Egypt to relay news of his policies to come. Last September Israel's suspicions were heated up about "former" Obama advisor Robert Malley being sent to Syria with a George Soros funded group. It was then claimed by Egyptian sources that Malley was still working as an advance man for Obama which angered Israelis because six months earlier Malley announced that he had held "regular meetings" with Hamas. At that time, Malley's comment caused the Obama camp to hurriedly distance the candidate from any connection with Malley. But, with the election over, it seems that Obama's claims that Malley didn't really work for him are not quite true. It also seems that we already have the very first example of Obama sticking his finger in the eye of our allies in Israel. Naturally, the U.S. press is not reporting this news. [...]
Soros. Go figure but, socialism connections there by golly gee, eh?

In conjunction with the above, Czarbie the Fraud is "exploring a new approach" in the GWOT. He is going to get Iran involved. Um...they already ARE involved you moron! They are supplying troops and arms to the ENEMY you complete blithering IDIOT!

Iran is testing nukes under ground and test firing long range missiles on the border of Iraq and Czarbie the Illegal Alien Marxist wants to cozy up to Iran and "get them involved". Judas H Priest people. Maybe he just wants to get his mitts on those secrets Pakistan just found on the strengths of the Taliban and give them to Iran for exchange of no nukes ... maybe not. Maybe is it just the confirmed reason why the "agricultural plant" in Syria was hit that inspires the Czarbie to consort with our enemies and his friends.

Obama: A Clear and Present Danger

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