Monday, November 10, 2008

Is Media Doubt Creeping In?


Why is Fox News censoring itself? We talked about this last Friday on my BTR show but came up with no definitive answer or at least a viable one anyway.
According to columnists Rush & Malloy of the New York Daily News, Fox has issued a chilling edict to its hosts that they must cease criticism of Obama for the near future: [...] [...] One caveat: Ailes issues missives every day about how stories should be covered. The left calls this "the party line." I call it "letting all the liberals on the staff know what 'fair and balanced' means, as they are apparently incapable of figuring out for themselves (see CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, AP, Reuters, etc.)." [...]
Kind of odd that is don't you think? I guess Megyn Kelly got some of the Obama Goons and Yoots a little miffed. And then, we have this; Now That the Election is Over... Media Admits Bias For Obama. At that location you will see the video where Leg Tingle Boy vows his eternal Trouser Mystery Worship of the illegal alien Marxist.

Whereas Obama did blame Fox News for just about everything. perhaps that is why Fox News is now afraid of the Marxist they helped get elected. I see that a lot recently. Those that got him elected because they hated GWB are now wondering just what in the hell they got themselves into.

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