Monday, November 10, 2008

The Real Racists and Other Weird Items Related to the Marxist Obamanation


Pretty cool post over at Soros Boy Would Not Have Got Into Downing Street. No doubt.

The real and TRUE racists ooze out from under their rocks: Obama Follower: “You white police can’t do anything anymore.” I guess the elections did away with that pesky law and order thing.

Creepy Obama iconography still showing up post-election
During this marathon of an election season, the mainstream media occasionally observed that the cult-like atmosphere permeating Barack Obama's campaign was "creepy". [...] read the rest
Creepy? That is being too kind in my estimation. Perhaps the newsies are deciding to at least pretend they have some personal and professional integrity.

Aerial photos of Obama's stunning State Senatorial experience: these are proof positive that the illegal alien Marxist that claims Chicago as home base has GREAT things in store for Middle Class America.

For a little dry sarcastic humor, don't forget to Get Your War On. Chicago Ray brings us a reminder of the weird Presidential Seals and now we have yo put up with weird-ass signage.

So, You Finally Did It.....
How nice for the leftists in this country and around the world to realize their dream of putting a Marxist in position to assume the duties of Commander in Chief of the USA. You finally did it after struggling for decades, pushing your unholy agenda, teaching your lies to the gullible and ignorant, revising history to support your claims and turning our children into good little communists.

You have removed God from our schools and government, you have rendered the Pledge of Allegiance unworthy of repetition, and turned the flag into something to be despised along with the people who love that flag and all it once represented.

Pardon me if I don't feel compelled to say congratulations to you or wish you well.

In reality you have to ask yourself what it is you have really won. What price did you pay? What price will we all pay?

When the bill comes due will you think it too costly?

Despite numerous warnings from many venues including thousands of bloggers who have tirelessly researched and reported on president elect obama's background, you have managed to pull off a coup of sorts. [...] read the rest
Will Obama Blow the Progress of the Last 8 Years?
Eight years ago the Butcher of Baghdad was ruling Iraq.
The Taliban was in control of Afghanistan.
Libya was working on weapons of mass destruction.
Al-Qaeda was playing offense.
Not today. [...] read the rest
The answer would be a resounding yes. He has already backed out of the missile defense system to be placed inside Poland to keep Iran at bay. And, speaking of Iran...

Iranian Activist Amir Fakhravar Speaks Out Against Obama Foreign Policy-- Holding Talks With the Iranian Regime Will Not Work
Amir Fakhravar understands that you cannot hold talks with the brutal regime in control of Iran.

CNN interviewed Amir recently on his time in the notorios Evin Prison. Amir also discussed what he thinks of Barack Obama's plans to talk with the brutal Iranian Regime:
Embedded video from CNN Video
Fakhravar does not believe Obama will have any success talking with the Iranian regime.

Amir Abbas Fakhravar as arrested 19 times as a student in Iran. In November 2002, while Fakhravar was still at university, he was sentenced to an eight year sentence in the Evin prison for publishing a criticism of Ayatollah Khamenei. One time he was beaten in front of a court before being thrown into prison. In late April 2006, he arrived in the United States from Dubai where he had been greeted by Richard Perle who interrupted his trip to central Asia in order to meet Fakhravar in a hotel. They had been in touch through a contact since 2003. This past weekend Fakhravar won a conservative journalism award in Florida. [...] read the rest

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