Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Moonbats: Indict Cheney and Gonzales


For all of you "ODS" idiots out there, until we approach this kind of lunacy, you need to STFD and STFU. Obviously, we won't get anywhere near this kind of idiocy but if we do, than the ODS label will be appropriate. Until then ...

The idiot that started this retarded ignorance knows what being "investigated" means so the fool is only trying to "share in the suffering".

Cheney charged over jail 'abuses' (poor BDS libtards)
Texas Grand Jury 'Indicts' Cheney, Gonzales, Ham Sandwich and Side of Pasta Salad
Cheney indicted
Cheney and Gonzales Indicted In Prisoner Assault Case (a fellow idiot moonbat troll piece)
Vice President Cheney and former Attorney General Gonzales indicted in Texas (more rantings of the Moonbat Class of BDS spider hole dwellers and frothing retards)
Fox News...
Yawn: Local Texas Grand Jury Indicts Dick Cheney

I wonder if these fools are related to the driveling and frothing moonbats in Vermont..........

We have our work cut out for us here in Texas and hopefully, when the Republic of Texas divorces itself from the Moonbat Union of anti-Americanist asswipes and hate-filled morons, we will, open up Hunting Season on these idiot socialist thugs. There will be no bag limit. I have proposed $50 per ear enticement.

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