Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Why Are the Homosexuals Currently On The Rampage So Hateful?


I haven't been writing about this because I was hoping that common sense would break out. Apparently that is not to be. In an obvious emotional tizzy fit, the minority in numbers have taken to the streets to demand that the majority in numbers bow down to the minority. Sorry, morons. It doesn't work that way. This just goes to show how immature these fools and hate-filled denizens of hypocrisy really are. Just like spoiled brats, when things don't go their way, they throw little whining hissy fits revealing their lack of mental stability. Oh. Wait.

Feel free to check out Michelle Malkin today on this subject. And these obviously demented fools "demand" to be honored and respected? Not hardly. The people of CA have spoken and Prop 8 is now part of the Constitution of CA. Oh. Wait. They don't care about Rule of Law unless that Rule of Law goes in their favor. Anarchists. May they rot in hell.

I guess we could always boycott Subway because they must despise Rule of Law as well. I wonder what these chumps would have to say about that. Oh. Wait. Libtards. Disregard.

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