Sunday, November 23, 2008

Obama To His Moonbats: Bugger Off!


So, Obama is going to keep in place the "don't ask don't tell" deal. Lie 1.

Obama said the Bush economy is propelling us to the Great Depression Part 2. Lie 2.

Obama says he isn't a socialist. Lie 3.

Obama promised a Green nation. Lie 4. (at least a Double Standard anyway)

Obama promised Hope and Change. Lie 5.

Obama promised to bomb Pakistan. Lie 6.

Obama said he didn't have any Goons. Lie 7. (no activists or lobbyists?)

Obama said he wasn't a centrist leaner. Lie 8.

Obama promised to tax the hell out of those damn rich people. Lie 9.

Obama promised no crones. Lie 10.

Obama promised to end the war. Lie 11.

Obama promised "new blood" in his Administration. Lie 12.

Obama promised regular folks would shape his Adminstration and policies. Lie 13.

This guy is on a roll baby! See the other Obama Lies here. Yid With Lid has 138 of them.

What we have here is the Last Gasp of The Hippies.

More at Memeorandum...

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