Sunday, November 23, 2008

BDS Is Alive and Well


I would like to offer first the Rubber Chicken Award to Thers of the pathetic libtard outlet known as SmolderingDribblingSnivel for their continuous contribution to the funny bone. I can only surmise that killing unborn babies is much better than killing animals for food but, that's just me. I put human life on a much higher plane of the food chain. Perhaps when that idiot Czarbie frees the murderous thugs at Club Gitmo, Thers can invite some over for dinner and they can tell the schmuck just how much higher they are on the Moral Plateau.

Anyway, on to some bubbling over BDS. The above was a sampling of the PDS. Some say that I have ODS but there is a difference. Czarbies own words proves our point and all the libtards have is fiction to lambaste President Bush and Sarah Palin. Perhaps if Sarah had murdered her baby they would have liked her at least a little bit. In other news...

Mark Halperin has developed the Chris Matthews disease. They want to subvert the United States Constitution and have President Bush step down and let Czarbie - the illegal alien - step up to the plate and subvert the United States Constitution. I wonder if they share the same tingle...or is that a tinkle. I forget which one they have. Richard Fernandez at PJM also thinks the media, what there is left of it, has gone completely over the edge with BDS. He calls it bad manners but I call it a mental disorder. Constitution? What Constitution? Oh. Wait. They are more than likely referring to the toilet bowl kind of constitution. Silly me. Gail Collins of the NY Slimes did the same thing and Hot Air seems to think that maybe they should eat crow for Thanksgiving and not turkey. It might remind them of Sarah Palin. Gail may need to have her "woman plug" checked.

I don't know what has gotten into the alleged "media elite" but they are obviously out of touch with the Czarbie base. They are in the process of realizing just what a dunce and dunderhead the Czarbie Unit is and he doesn't even give a damn. He used them because he knows that they are easily led by the short hairs because they are too dumb to breathe let alone vote. The folks that put the fraud where he is today have started to turn on him. Again with the vindication. Well, they cannot say that they hadn't been warned. All he wanted was the Power. Now that he has it, his supporters can suck hind teet.

Back to the BDS thing; remember that crack pot in Texas that indicted Cheney? Well, he has made the ultimate fool of himself but that isn't much of a surprise. Your basic moonbat does that naturally. He shouted at the Judge and pounded his tiny fists and had a temper tantrum. Good thing the troll lost his reelection bid. He is a damn criminal himself.

Obama has BDS as well. Without any evidence whatsoever, he said in 2007 that he would have "Bush investigated" and his pick of AG supports that. I love it when moonbats make fools of themselves like this.

To answer JWF's question as to the expiration date of BDS, there isn't any.

And, let us not forget the plethora of Hitler referrals of President Bush when there was no evidence of that whatsoever either but there is plenty to go around for Czarbie. It seems as though there is a moonbat by the name of David Corn (how appropriate is that?) that is whining about the Obama Hitler references and calls it not nice or something like that. And the Hitler references to President Bush was OK? When there isn't any evidence at all? Amazing. Oh. Wait. I forgot about the DNC Double Standard quotient. Silly me.

See more of my BDS collection here.

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