Saturday, November 22, 2008



In honor of the American Armed Forces that have kept this Nation safe, we hereby declare this day, November 22, 2008:

We salute you in spite of the cowards in DC that fear the Victory you have achieved

The hard-fought battles that go ignored for political gain disgust this DAV yet we remember and acknowledge the sacrifices that you have made

From the bottoms of our hearts we salute you and we thank you all, every one

It was not all for nothing. You know it and we know it.

We remember the Miracles in Sadr City

And the lives you have touched that mattered

This little Iraqi boy sure does seem sore afraid does he not? Be proud of that which you have accomplished my friends and be not ashamed of what you have done

And don't forget to say hello to my cousin that is still over there

Remember those whom you protect, fight for and are willing to die for


Please refer to the following bloggers participating in this event...thanks

Zombie Times here and here
Washington Times announces a subway being built in the Big B
Jules Crittenden
Gateway Pundit
American Thinker
Soldier's Angels
Gateway Pundit , Blackfive , Little Green Footballs ,Pat Dollard , Rantburg
sisu , Flopping Aces , Because No One Asked , Dog Opus Blog
Oh No, Another Conservative Blog , Who Is John Galt? ,
Gathering of Eagles (national) , Gathering of Eagles New York
Gathering of Eagles North Carolina , Stop the ACLU
The Surfing Conservative , Civilian Irregular Information Defense Group
The Wide Awake Cafe , The Foxhole , Lighthouse on the Right
Arming Liberty , Uncle Sam Ate My Baby , Down Is Up
Foreign and Domestic , WOT Daily , The Blog of Record
Serr8d's Cutting Edge , Army Wife: Rants from Ft. Livingroom
Hamilton, Madison, and Jay , Chandler's Watch , Rochester Conservative
The Daily Blogster , I Call BS! , Macker's World
Something should go here, maybe later , Nice Deb , The Bronze Blog
AZresident , The Irascible Chef , Sharp Right Turn , TigerHawk
Tman In Tennessee , Thunder Pig , Sith by Sithwest , OutOfTheBlue
Anti-CAIR , Marooned in Marin , Thoughts Enroute , More Weight
Anti-Strib , The Jack Knows , Red State Rumblings , High Plains Blogger
Air Force Pundit , Fallback LGF , Liberty for USA , Diary of a Madman
The Rumbler Report , D.C. Thornton , Lock and Load , Fat Angie
Gegenkritik , Oedipal Beatdown , Conservative Action Network
A Herd of Turtles , Penny's Potpurri , Sayyad al Wahabiyya
Brain-Surgery With Spoons , American Syndicalist Party , Broadsides
Public Secrets , Freedomplow , Toxic Taxation , Berman Post
HumbleInfidel , The Inquisition , Pax Parabellum
CrossFit Camp Pendleton , Freedom Watch , American Truths
Destination OBX , Fearless Dream , Theodore's World
The Cool Blue Blog , Life With Monkeys , Woody's Place , Wild Weazel
The Atheist Conservative , King's Right Site , We are the Grizzwolds
redc1c4 , Hourglass1941 , E3 gazette , Zirkumflex
GunTrash's Multifarious Blog , mama winger's potluck
the "silent" majority no more! , The Working File , Blogust
Habits Not Peculiar , Six Meat Buffet , Nobama Forum , The Spirit of Man
Alcove One , paradigm defenestration , The Weeks Review
9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America , Mage's Plane
Consul-at-Arms , PurpleSlog
, Instapundit , Confederate Yankee
The Jawa Report , Ed Driscoll , baldilocks
Facebook group for Victory in Iraq Day , Barking Moonbat Early Warning System
Barcepundit , Exurban League , Noblesse Oblige , Protein Wisdom Pub
Black & Right , MidnightBlue , Johnson County Republican Party
Winefred's Well , Still Unbounded , The Liberty Boys , Atlanta ROFTers , This is Scooter Country , The Crescent Moon
From My Position...On the Way! , Letters to a Dying Dream , Blogs for Victory
RealChoice , EagleSpeak , HXC , Conservative Diggs , zomblog
Erica Marceau , Pirate's Cove , Let's Get It Right , Cmblake6's Weblog
What Bubba Knows , RightwingSparkle , NavyWife , Psycmeister's Ice Palace!
Stable of Zionist Hore #2 , Conservative in Seattle , Right Side News
Karridine Delivers , LifeoftheMind , ahavafriend , Zim's View
I Am, Therefore I Think , Patriot Missive , USS Neverdock , Dan Cirucci
The Conservative Contessa , The Four Rs , Wake up America , The C-Square
Sarge Charlie , Red-Hot Right , Echoes in Eternity , American Infidel
buckferkeley , supporting the troops , One Model Place , The Dumber Ox
The Lightning News , BackyardConservative , 2nd Exposure , DailyAviator
Lindy's Blog: Where Mom is Always Right , Comics Pundit
No Clever Pseudonym , Free Frank Warner , The Digital Hairshirt
The Blue Pelican , Krigsblogg , Nothing But the Facts , Gegenstimme
Environmental Republican , Irons in the Fire , no blood for sauerkraut!
The Individualizer , TechnoChitlins , Nebulous Continuum
Take Our Country Back , The Conservative Radical , Zion Beckons
Antihippies , Soldiers' Angels Germany , Paul Ibrahim , jweaks on Squidoo
Marie's Two Cents , The Other Club , The Anchoress , Beyond the Veil
Michigan Taxes Too Much , Once More Into the Breach , Stix Blog
Freedom's Candle , Citizen Dain , Raja Rants , Technicalities , Papa Mike's Blog
Wheat & Weeds , Eye On The World , Eugene Rant , There and Back Again
The Minority Report , The Autopsy , All Those Wires! , Defend America
Infidels Are Cool , The Big Picture


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