Sunday, November 23, 2008

We Have a President Elect?


Somebody pinch me. I must have slept right on through the December 5th SCOTUS conference and then I missed their opinion and then I missed the Electoral College meeting to vote for the next President and then I slept through the 111th Congress counting of the Electoral College votes and then I missed the final announcement. Is the inauguration tomorrow already?

Anyway, Google News is reporting that Czarbie is promoting his economic stimulus thing and I saw the video. He does pretty good at not saying anything while his lips are moving and noises are coming from the back of his throat. Just so you will know, he didn't explain anything. Typical libtard.

The LA Slimes has the article and Solo Passion has a few choice things to say about all of that. Suffice it to say that the Zombies will think it sounds just OK fine because they don't have to think about anything because there is nothing in the comments that stirs the imagination. Just more of the same platitudes that mean nothing now and whatever he feels like it means later. Yep. Typical libtard.

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