Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ammunition Accountability


The moonbats are out in full swing to the left of Americanized Marxism. Ammunition accountability. This is absurd and has propelled itself beyond the pale of mental decapitation. My idea and reality check of ammunition accountability is to store it properly and safely and keeping it clean...yes, I clean my stored ammunition on a regular basis.

These people are bona fide loons. First of all, criminals normally do not buy their ammunition, they steal it. If they do buy it, they buy it off the street and not in a store. This law will insure that the criminals will absolutely never buy any ammunition ever. They will use ammunition whose "owners" will be implicated in the crime, thus DELAYING catching the real criminal. This proposal is pure idiocy. I bet they voted for Czarbie.

On the off chance that politicians think that this is a good idea, I will be going to the nearest gun show to purchase an abundant supply of my calibers of choice and when the dead line comes and goes, rest assured that I will not be destroying any that does not have the serial numbers etched at the base of the lead projectile. Now, for "plinking", I will go to the shooting ranges and buy that ammo there and use it all up at the range...maybe, if I need to. However, I will be purchasing an excess amount of the cheaper "plinking" rounds as well.

This proposal is retarded. Oh. Wait. Did I say that already? My bad.

Did I mention that the brass won't be serialized? The lead projectiles will be serialized. Where do these people come up with this stuff? Remember when the babbling idiot in the Clinton Administration, Joyclyn Elders, said that she wanted safer bullets? And, what in the hell is a bullet projectile anyway?
"The way to combat crime is with safer bullets and safer guns."
Remember that? This proposal is in the same sinking ship. The pdf is here. The following states have something in the wind about this: Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington. As you can see in the map, primarily the libtard areas are "looking into" this subject. Also note on the map, the mid-section of the country says KMA...we own most of the weapons and ammo.

Tex says the battle is on. I say bring it but bring an army with you and if you can make it that last 400 yards, you will be OK.

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