Saturday, January 17, 2009

Conservative Group Won't Be Quiet About Obama


True Conservatives will not sit idly by and "support" the Marxist illegal alien Czarbie. True Conservatives haven't contracted ODS and have a burning desire to "fit in". True Conservatives fight.

Our Country Deserves Better PAC is airing this ad for the coronation of America's First Czar next week, via email.


(SACRAMENTO) – A conservative political action committee is rejecting calls for conservatives and Republicans to “go along” and “get along” with President Elect Barack Obama.

The Our Country Deserves Better Committee has instead unveiled a new television ad campaign that criticizes Obama’s push for massive big government spending and a series of corruption scandals among top members of his team as “not the change we were promised.”

The television ad campaign will begin its broadcast run next week – the week Obama is inaugurated as the next President of the United States.

“It’s ideological suicide for conservatives to sit back silent while Obama pushes for untold hundreds of billions in new spending and bailouts. If conservatives and Republicans can’t find within them the ideological conviction to oppose this fleecing of the taxpayers, then what is it that we stand for?” asked Sal Russo, Chief Strategist for the Our Country Deserves Better Committee.

The ad has been viewed thousands of times and awarded several YouTube Honors in the first 12 hours since it has been posted online.

Russo, who got his start in politics as an aide to Governor Ronald Reagan, rejected the calls made by some Republicans to hold off in speaking out against Obama’s policies.

“Some people have said we shouldn’t speak up now for our beliefs, but instead hold off for now. To these individuals I ask when do they propose we begin to stand up for our principles? Will waiting a month or year to fight for our beliefs somehow advance the cause of conservatism? Will it help America for us to sit back and let Obama push his agenda forward unopposed?

“It seems to me that being silent and acquiescent now further empowers Obama, and further entrenches this notion that big government liberalism is somehow acceptable. It’s the antithesis of our individual liberty and freedom, and it requires men and women of good conscience to step forward, take action and oppose it vigorously,” said Russo.
And there ya have it folks.

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