Saturday, January 17, 2009

The New Nation of Obama Flag


Some people are just too dumb to be out in public. With a HT to, below is a screen shot from her web site. She has some barbs to cast and I have some of my own.

The photo above reminds me of a particular line in the song Uneasy Rider: "...reached and kicked green teeth right in the knee..." Anyway, here's what Michelle had to say via screen shot:
For the idiots out there that think it quite alright to deface the American Flag, here is the Code. Remember, The First Czar of the Disunited Socialist States of America, as of 1.20.09, has promised change but he hopes no one clues in on his blatant lies and pinko rhetoric. He ain't the hope and change his moronic supporters think he is. He is, however, packed full of hopelessness and changelings. Remember the Dufus Seal?


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