Thursday, January 15, 2009

Its Shari'ah, Stupid #10

Ibn Taymiyya returns in the tenth installment of offensive Jihad in Fiqh. Its Shari'ah, Stupid, and it is based on the Qur'an & Sunnah. I have added links where possible; click to verify.
Ibn Taymiyya, cit. ur Henri Laoust, Le traité de droit public d’Ibn Taymiya (Beirut 1948)
In ordering jihad Allah has said: ”Fight them until there is no persecution and religion becomes Allah’s”. [2:189] (s. 21) [2:193]
Allah has, in fact, repeated this obligation [to fight] and has glorified jihad in most of the Medina suras: he has stigmatized those who neglected to do so, and treated them as hypocrites and cowards. (s. 123) [9:124-125]
It is impossible to count the number of times when jihad and its virtues are extolled in the Book and the Sunna. Jihad is the best form of voluntary service that man consecrates to Allah. (s. 125)
Therefore, since jihad is divinely instituted, and its goal is that religion reverts in its entirety to Allah and to make Allah’s word triumph, whoever opposes the realization of this goal will be fought, according to the unanimous opinion of Muslims.
Jews and Christians, as well as Zoroastrians (Magians), must be fought until they embrace Islam or pay the jizya without recriminations. Jurisconsults do not agree on the question of knowing if the jizya should be imposed on other categories of infidels; on the other hand, all consider that it should not be required of Arabs [hence they should convert to Islam or be killed or expelled]. (s. 130)

  • Muslims are obligated to fight.
  • Jihad is glorified.
  • Those who neglect it are stigmatized.
  • The goal is Islam's triumph.
  • Whoever opposes it will be fought.
  • People of the Book must be fought to extortion.
  • Others must be converted or killed.
Got a clue yet?

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