Thursday, January 15, 2009

Its Shari'ah, Stupid #11

In this eleventh installment examining Jihad references in Fiqh, we can observe the application of Islamic doctrine in the conquest of India.
Ziauddin Barani, d. 1357, historiker och politisk skriftställare i Indien. Fatawa-i Jahandari, cit. ur Mohammad Habib, The Political Theory of the Delhi Sultanate (Allahabad 1961), s. 46-7.
The Muslim king will not be able to establish the honour of theism (tauhid) and the supremacy of Islam unless he strives with all his courage to overthrow infidelity and to slaugthers its leaders (imams), who in India are the Brahmans. He should make a firm resolve to overpower, capture, enslave and degrade the infidels. All the strength and power of the king and of the holy warriors of Islam should be concentrated in holy campaigns and holy wars; and they should risk themselves in the enterprise so that the true Faith may uproot the false creeds, and then it will look as if these false creeds had never existed because they have been deprived of all their glamour. […]

The majority of religious scholars and wise men of early (Islamic) as well as later time have been sure that if Muslim kings strive with all their might and power and the power of all their supporters on this path, the following objects will be attained: the true Faith will gain a proper ascendancy over the false creeds; the True Word will be honoured; the traditions of infidelity and polytheism will be weakened; Musalmans will be favoured and honoured; infidels and men of bad faith will be faced with destitution and disgrace; the orders of the unlawful state and the opposed creeds will be erased; the laws of the shari’at will be enforced on the seventy-two communities; and the enemies of God and the Prophet will be condemned, banished, repudiated, and terrorised.

Muslim Kins and their armies must strive courageously, risking their lives to overthrow Kuffar regimes, slaughter their clerics, capture, enslave and degrade Kuffar. Thus Muslims will be favored & honored, Kuffar will be destitute & disgraced, Shari'ah enforced and infidels terrorised.

See how sweet, benign and peaceful Islam is? Got a clue yet?

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