Friday, January 16, 2009

Peace For Israel?


So, today the news is that Israel has signed onto a possible cease-fire as long as certain details are accepted by HAMAS. HAMAS has said that they reject the conditions set forth by Egypt. Could it be that Egypt is "concerned" that Israel just might do something about the tunnel networks which are accessed in Egypt? Could it be that HAMAS rejects the cease-fire terms due to the death of Said Siam or will try to capitalize on the UN incident? By the way, shame on the UN for allowing HAMAS to operate on their area of responsibility.

There will be no peace in Israel until the various terrorist groups or Israel exist no more. Israel fights to survive and the terrorists fight to destroy Israel. The evidence pointing to the perpetrators of every conflict with Israel stems from the Iranian backed groups. Israel does not lob rockets and missiles or mortars into their surrounding "neighbors" unless it is in self defense. The terrorists which are allowed to operate in the nations surrounding Israel lob rockets, missiles and mortars into Israel at random nearly every day. What does the world expect from Israel? And, why is Israel declared the Bad Guy when all she does is fight to survive?

Read Ezekiel chapters 37 through 39 and therein the answers will be found. It is very simple.

Recently, we were honored to provide a platform on BTR for pro-Israel bloggers and other BTR hosts to call in with their reports from the anti-Israel and pro-terrorist rally in LA. Joi the Artist has posted, recently, her photo collection and in these photos, the hate-filled and intolerant ones are the anti-Israel mutants. She calls it: Israel, Hamas, and the looter mentality.

I find it amazing how people are so anti-Israel that they support terrorists and terrorism. No wonder this country is so screwed up. We have idiots teaching our children lies.

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