Sunday, January 18, 2009

No - It Isn't A Burka


One cannot tell from the photo initially presented but in the photo to the left as published in Yahoo News, it sure does look like a woman is wearing a burka at the event. What was the event? The gala of the most costly inauguration - excuse me, coronation - in our national history. The cost is upwards of $150M, nearly 4 times that of the last Bush inauguration that the libtards denounced as absurd to spend so much on such an event. I wonder what they think now? How many of the homeless could be helped with such funds?

On the BTR show today (listen here), this story was raised and another listener sent an IM saying that it wasn't a burka and thank God. I was "fixin' ta" have a brain freeze. This link reveals that it is a reporter all adorned in cold-weather gear.

Obama has enough issues to zap him on for a very long time and even though he is an enemy within, I don;t think he would stoop that low as to have a woman wearing a burka in his first of many of photo ops as he assumes the First Czar of the USSA.

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