Sunday, January 18, 2009

Its Shari'ah, Stupid #13

This is the thirteenth in a series on Jihad in Fiqh.

Molla Khosrew, d. 1480, hanafi. Kitab al-Gihad, övers. Nicola Melis, Trattato sulla guerra (Cagliari, Italien 2002), s. 95-6.
[…] jihad is a fard al-kifaya, that is, that one must begin the fight against the enemy, even when he [the enemy] may not have taken the initiative to fight, because the Prophet […] early on […] allowed believers to defend themselves, later, however, he ordered them to take the initiative at certain times of the year, that is, at the end of the haram months, saying, ”Kill the idolaters wherever you find them” (Q9:5). He finally ordered fighting without limitations, at all times and in all places, saying, ”Fight those who do not believe in God, and in the Last Day” (Q9:29); there are also other [similar] verses on the subject. This shows that it is a fard al-kifaya.

He finally ordered fighting without limitations, at all times and in all places
Got a clue yet? Islam ain't peaceful! Islam is violent by design, Jihad is the standard, not a deviation from standard Islam.

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