Saturday, March 28, 2009

Don't Honor John Murtha!

Gabe Ledeen of Vets For Freedom has created an excellent petition in protest against the awarding of the Department of the Navy Distinguished Public Service Award to Congressman John Murtha.

I have no doubt that, after reading this sample of the text of the petition, true patriots will join the 46,464 who have endorsed it as of the time of this writing.
We the undersigned are appalled that the Secretary of the Navy would bestow the Department's highest award for a non-employee to John Murtha after his vile and despicable attacks against U.S. servicemen. This petition is a vehicle to express our bitter disappointment at this betrayal of our combat veterans. Congressman John Murtha should apologize for slandering the Marines of 3/1, and for undermining the efforts of those servicemen and women who fought in Iraq. If he does not, the Secretary of the Navy should rescind this award as a sign of his unwavering support for those who served in combat during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

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