Saturday, March 28, 2009

Petition for Immigration Law Enforcement

Numbers USA is organizing a petition drive to demonstrate our will to see current immigration laws enforced. To date, 11,491 people have signed their petition, which states:

Petition to President: It is not 'UN-AMERICAN' to open jobs for jobless Americans through immigration enforcement

At a San Francisco rally against immigration laws, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested that it is un-American to use types of enforcement to drive illegal aliens out of U.S. jobs. She has also called for an end to ICE's worksite operations. Coming from one of the nation's highest ranking public officials, this is very disturbing. The small amount of worksite enforcement over the last 18 months has proven itself especially effective in providing jobs for unemployed Americans, including by frightening non-targeted businesses into hiring only legal workers.

We call on you to affirm that a primary purpose of immigration laws is to protect American workers -- particularly our most vulnerable citizens. And we urge you to re-state your oath to carry out these laws of our country to your fullest ability. Please show your commitment to putting especially low-skill American workers back on the job by giving your full support to ICE agents and adopting regulations requiring all federal contractors to use E-Verify.
I have signed the petition. I urge my fellow citizens to sign it and to join Numbers USA and actively express their desire to support legal immigration. Given the current balance of political power, the fence won't be built, many more illegal aliens will join the millions already here, accompanied by terrorists crossing the open border and they will be given citizenship and become a permanent part of the Democrat's voting block. That outcome can only be prevented if we apply intense political pressure. I view this petition as a good start.

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