Thursday, September 24, 2009

Obamination: Treachery at the UN; False Promises and Narcissism

My quest for a transcript of President Obama's remarks to the General Assembly led me to the New York Times. The transcript was divided into seven pages. When I finished the preliminary round of highlighting, my working file was 34kb.

In order to keep my reaction to Obama's UN treachery readable, I will divide it into several posts. This first post in the series will concentrate on the issue of President Obama's narcissism. [Emphasis added.]
I come before you humbled by the responsibility that the American people have placed upon me
Yeah, right. He holds the office of President on his own initiative, having spent hundreds of millions of dollars in an effort to deceive enough people long enough to win election. We shall see just how humble Barack Hussein Obama is, through his own words.
I am well aware of the expectations that accompany my presidency around the world. These expectations are not about me. Rather, they are rooted, I believe, in a discontent with a status quo that has allowed us to be increasingly defined by our differences, and outpaced by our problems. But they are also rooted in hope -- the hope that real change is possible, and the hope that America will be a leader in bringing about such change.
As ignorant, simple minded, gullible Americans expected that President Obama would wave a magic wand to solve all their problems once and for all, the greedy & gullible idiots of the world expect Uncle Sam, in the person of President Obama, to come bearing a magic toy bag, always full for their pleasure. In promising to make them healthy, wealthy & educated by grossly expanding our national debt, President Obama lifts the world's tail aside, displaces the flies and plants his lips for a wet kiss.

Is President Obama running for a new post: Global Dictator ? Why else would he continue with his "hope and change" mantra which mesmerized so many American voters? Of course, as Sean Hannity pointed out in his radio broadcast Tuesday, "its all about I and me". There are 36 occurrences of "I" in the speech. [Repetitions omitted from lists.]
  • I
    • come
    • have been in office
    • am aware
    • believe
    • took office
    • will never
    • have carried this message
    • will speak about
    • ask
    • prohibited
    • ordered
    • appointed
    • I have said
    • will repeat
    • am committed
    • will continue
    • had
    • will not waver
    • thank
    • know
    • will never forget
    • would not
    • pledge
    • admit

There are 13 occurrences of "my".

  • my
    • country
    • belief
    • Secretary of State
    • Presidency
    • first day
    • nation
    • people
    • responsibility
    • honor

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