Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Web Cast: "Radical Islam’s Threat to America."

American Congress For Truth will present a web cast for legislators, other elected officials and their staff members from 10 am to 5 pm on Saturday, November 7, 2009. The subject of the web cast is “Radical Islam’s Threat to America.”. Topics to be discussed include:
  • A Basic History of Islam.
  • Shariah Islamic law.
  • The Muslim Brotherhood’s plan to subvert America.
  • Islamist organizations operating in the U.S.
  • Shariah finance.
  • Strategies and tactics for resisting the advance of radical Islam.
Presenters include Brigitte Gabriel, Walid Phares, Nonie Darwish, John Guandolo, Frank Gaffney, Joy Brighton and ACT! for America Executive Director Guy Rodgers.

The web cast can do a great deal to increase the awareness level of our elected officials if they will view it. Our role is to inform them of the opportunity and urge them to take advantage of it.

As soon as I read the email from Brigitte Gabriel, I visited and sent emails to my state and federal representatives. The process is easy, just enter your Zip Code, select the recipients and fill in the simple form. I included the url of ACT''s web page about the web cast so that the recipients can easily obtain detailed information about the web cast: .

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