Monday, October 19, 2009

Muslim Facebook Boycott Protests 'koran toilet paper'

A new Facebook group with 374,715 members, We want Facebook to close this group "koran toilet paper roll is organizing a boycott of Facebook, scheduled for October 24. The purpose of the boycott is to pressure Facebook to delete the Anti Islam group: Koran Toilet Paper Roll, which has 3,324 3,325 members. The opposition group, We who will stay online on Facebook all 24 hours of October 24th! has 102 members.

Koran toilet paper roll's page features a fatwa permitting using the Bible for anal hygiene. Unfortunately, the source of the fatwa is in Arabic, and Google Translate made a mess of it so I am unable to verify the fatwa. I have seen a fatwa which prohibits the use of bones, dung, Qur'ans and any paper that might have been imprinted with Qur'anic text. But then, we know what terrorists did when they occupied the Church of the Nativity.

In any case, Muslims are hypersensitive to all criticism as well as ridicule & mockery; they diligently seek to censor it. As evidenced by the number of adherents in the boycott group, Muslims are a dedicated and organized lot. Lovers of liberty must become dedicated and organized or we will surely be defeated.

October 24, 2009 is a good day for joining We who will stay online on Facebook all 24 hours of October 24th! and any of the Anti-Islam Facebook groups.

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