Monday, October 19, 2009

Tell the UN to do something about Iran

The Israel Project has a new petition demanding enforcement of Security Council Resolution 1696. The petition is short, simple, well written and meritorious. Lets rise up in unison and push this one over the top. We must send an unmistakable message to Ban Ki-moon. I urge you to sign the petition and forward it to everyone you can hope to influence.

It becomes increasingly obvious that if effective sanctions are not imposed. Israel will be compelled to take effective action. Why not make a last ditch effort to make a military attack unnecessary?

To: The Honorable Secretary-General of the United Nations

Dear Secretary-General,

We, the undersigned, feel that a nuclear-armed Iran is a threat to Israel, the United States and the entire Western world. Iran must be stopped now before it develops a nuclear bomb.

Iran restarted its nuclear fuel research program and is now enriching uranium needed to create a nuclear bomb. Iran rebuffed the UN's offer of incentives to suspend enrichment and has rejected UN Security Council Resolution 1696, which requires the immediate suspension of all enrichment-related activities and strict monitoring by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Iran's president Ahmadinejad is a religious extremist who has declared that Israel should be wiped off the map in a religious war with the infidel West, which will be led by Iran and the rest of the Muslim world.

As the world's leading state sponsor of international terrorism, Iran is likely to sell or give nuclear weapons to terror groups like Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas. These groups have terrorist cells throughout Europe and the US.

We demand that the UN enforce its own Resolution 1696. Iran must immediately and unconditionally:

  • Stop enriching uranium

  • Open all of its facilities to monitoring by the IAEA

  • Stop funding terrorist groups including Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas

  • Recognize the right of Israel to exist peacefully within its internationally-recognized borders. It is time for the UN to take a stand against Iran and its nuclear ambitions


Click here to sign the petition

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