Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bare Naked Islam Hidden From View at Beheost of Bigots

   Google Alerted me to a Pat Dollard post announcing that Bare Naked Islam has been pulled down again; Dollard included the text of a CAIR press release announcing their great victory. 

    A new WordPress Forum thread has been opened for the subject. I urge other WordPress users to add your own comments urging WordPress to show spinal & testicular fortitude and respect for free speech by reinstating BNI. 

    BNI aggregated news stories and particularly graphic videos from all over the world. Combined with incisive commentary, those videos proved to be valuable tools for exposing the stark reality of Islamic doctrine and practice. 

    BNI earned a large audience, receiving more hits each day than my blogs get in a year. I view BNI as a colleague, not a competitor. I want one of my favorite sources restored!  I know that BNI is seeking a new venue.  As soon as I learn that the blog is back, I will publish a link to it. 

    Islam, because it is a plagiarized fraud, is extremely sensitive to criticism. Muhammad murdered his critics. CAIR can't get away with that yet, but they can engage in intimidation & litigation jihad.  BNI stands up to them, I stand shoulder to shoulder with her. We will not submit; we will not be silent. 

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