Friday, December 30, 2011

WordPress Stifles Discussion of Bare Naked Islam

 The WordPress Forum thread about BNI has been closed, the last word being: "Now that we have descended into pointless name-calling I am closing this thread.".  who "descended into pointless name calling? 

by lettershometoyou:

It's really hard to form an opinion of BNI without having read the site.

But the extremist, bigoted, racist views expressed here give a good idea of the kind of whacko it attracted.

Gleaned from the sickening streak of hate this thread contains:

There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim.

Such lies!

I live an work with Muslim people, and find them solid, upstanding people who wish the world no harm.

There are extremists everywhere. They're the problem, not average Muslims.

The landing page of that blog does not indicate a political or philosophical knowledge of or orientation toward Islam and related issues.  The author admits not having enough knowledge to judge BNI, then he launches into the forum participants with argumentum ad hominem.  Evidently lettershometoyou is too indolent to search for the Yahoo cache of BNI and see it for himself. Instead of doing due diligence, he launches:
  • extremist
  • bigoted
  • racist
  • whacko
  • lies
    Only one quote is cited: "no such thing as a moderate Muslim", which is dismissed with the author's narrow personal experience which he expands by generalization to encompass the ummah-al-Islamiyya. It is evident that the author is unaware of Allah's Qur'anic injunctions against equal and inferior relationships with Kuffar. Muslims are strictly prohibited from being friends with disbelievers except to deceive them for their own personal safety if a threat is perceived.

3:28. Let not the believers take the disbelievers as Auliyâ (supporters, helpers, etc.) instead of the believers, and whoever does that will never be helped by Allâh in any way, except if you indeed fear a danger from them. And Allâh warns you against Himself (His Punishment), and to Allâh is the final return.

The Prohibition of Supporting the Disbelievers

   Allah prohibited His believing servants from becoming supporters of the disbelievers, or to take them as comrades with whom they develop friendships, rather than the believers. [...] (unless you indeed fear a danger from them) meaning, except those believers who in some areas or times fear for their safety from the disbelievers. In this case, such believers are allowed to show friendship to the disbelievers outwardly, but never inwardly. For instance, Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Ad-Darda' said, "We smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them.'' Al-Bukhari said that Al-Hasan said, "The Tuqyah is allowed until the Day of Resurrection.''

    Islam is not moderate, it is genocidally violent, by design. To fully comprehend the fatal fact, one must read the following citations from Islam's canonical texts.
    Moe divided Muslims into two classes: believers and hypocrites. Those who implement Allah's genocidal imperatives are believers, those who shirk jihad are hypocrites. Do not take my word for this, I am not an authority; take Allah's word for it, and Moe's. Believers fight in Allah's cause, killing others and being killed. The rest are either hypocrites in whose hearts is a disease or have not been called to fight yet. 
    Lettershometoyou followed up with another post:

What you extremists fail to realise and hope the rest of us will ignore is the fact that 99.99% of all Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists and others just want to get on with the daily business of getting through life without harming other people. You can hang on to your hatreds all your like and hope you'll attract more followers by spreading more lies, but you can't accept that basic fact.

    Evidently lettershometoyou is omniscient, knowing what everybody wants while we are "extremists [...] haters [...] spreading lies". How will he explain the conquests of Arabia, India, Turkey, North Africa and South East Europe?  How did a tiny minority of extremist Muslims conquer nearly half the world without majority support?

    Lettershometoyou angered an EDL member, trinovante,  who responded in kind.

@lettershometoyou,by god you are a fool !

You CLEARLY know nothing of Islamic history,the Qur'an or Hadith you odious
little man.Still you have some "Muslim's who you work with",so you must know
everything about Islamic doctrine?

You dangerous left wing idiot.

    The thread ended with one last left wing slur which I will not quote here. I fully understand why WordPress is sensitive about this issue and wants to squelch discussion of it.   Succumbing to intimidation to shut down a major traffic generator must be very painful.   If name calling was an issue, the forum moderator would have deleted the four offending posts and allowed the thread to continue.

    I did a little research on BNI and found some interesting statistics for the blog. 

site visits
Alexa 475.57
1393 49,122.00
3064 67.00 48446 38,681.00
61666 48,910.00 3064 67.00 48446 73,736.00 286,934.48 6,352 26148.6
35.82 49,122.00 3,064 67.00 110,732,390 *

152,381* 41,238.00 2,585 56.00

*  These numbers are so unrealistic that I presume they apply to the entire WordPress domain, not to a single sub domain blog.

117,087 page views/month

    Those numbers ain't trivial.  Even if we accept the lowest evaluation, a sub domain name    worth  nearly $500,. is too good to waste if it is bringing 100K visitors to WordPress every month.   At snooper.wordpress,com, the post about BNI received 25 page views, while the average daily page views for the blog has been less than 20 this week.  At Islam Exposed, it got 16 hits.  Page ranks for searches for Bare Naked Islam ranged from 9 to 45 in the  Google serps.  The post at Bloggersbase had 125 views. 

    If three thousand people are learning the truth about the doctrines & practices of Islam every day, its no wonder  that CAIR is determined to silence it.  But the blog's creator is dedicated, motivated & persistent. She will rebuild the blog, bigger and better than before and the publicity resulting from CAIR's intimidation tactics will increase the size of the blog's audience.  

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