Sunday, July 22, 2007

Amy Proctor Rules

As does Michelle Malkin and countless others! Most of them are in my blogrolls or other listings in the sidebars.

This particular post of Amy's is quite a gem.

As we all know, the Leftinistra will always paint themselves into a corner as I have written about I don't know how many times. In my opinion, the latest Corner Painting Party was Reids Overnight Slumber Party Blabathon. The next one will be Hillary's Pentagon Face Off Quagmire.

The one after that is the continuing debacle of the Haditha and Hamdania travesty initiated by the loud-mouthed schnook Murtha. I have written of this extensively as well.

Today, I blogged here and here and here in regards to the leading Americans down the wrong path and this is supported by Amy's piece.

Fraud veterans and phony reports from Iraq, printed and aired by KNOWN socialist affiliated media are no longer accepted as gospel and will be challenged to no end.

No longer will we Reagan Era Conservatives sit back on our lazy-assed laurels and let the Leftinistra have their way, all in the name of playing nice-nice. My gloves came off years ago.

No more Mr Nice Guy here. When a Jihadi Troll or a Leftinistra Troll shows up IT will be trounced upon with no mercy.

Oh yeah. Don't forget to check our series on the Studies In Islam series.

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