Friday, July 27, 2007

Chuckie Scmuckie Admits to Being....DUMB!

I stole this from the Great Michelle Malkin. Below the following is mine.

Chuckie Schumer admits: He’s an idiot…more: “There is no doubt that we were hoodwinked”

Sen. Charles Schumer plays the “dupe” card. Yes, you can question his competency now. He admits it–he’s an idiot:
Go there and read it your self.
As penance for the Democrats’ self-admitted stupidity, Schumer is now threatening to snuff any new confirmations of Bush high court nominees. Via Politico:
Go there and read it yourself.
Just a reminder that Chuck Schumer was the ringleader of the appalling circus that the Alito hearings devolved into last year. The made-for-TV antics and bloviating prompted none other than Robert Byrd to take to the floor to condemn the proceedings. Remember:
Go there and read it yourself.

Here’s another reminder of the atrocious behavior of the Dems.

And now Schumer has the gumballs to bleat that the Dems were “duped” and “hoodwinked?”

Go there and read it yourself.

OK. Here is my take. I can't be like this at Michelle's place.

Chuckie is a Class Act Moron. Always has been and always will be. I guess his mommy and daddy never taught him to take responsibilities for his own actions.

My comment at Michelle's place:

On July 27th, 2007 at 8:16 pm, Snooper said:

LOL!! Good God Almighty! When will the Leftinistra take personal responsibility for their OWN actions and STOP blaming others? Judas Priest!

So, let us see if I have this “RIGHT”.

The WORSE President in American History; the MOST dumb person living in the White House; the MOST ignorant man born in this universe; has outwitted and outsmarted every single Leftinistra that has dared to cross his path.

Do I have this “RIGHT”?

Doesn’t say much for the Leftinistra, does it?

Another comment left by Uplander is "RIGHT" on target. Stalin Would Be Proud.

On July 27th, 2007 at 8:34 pm, Uplander said:

All this is blather or is that rather blather. Are any of these fools (New acronym - LSOS) attempting to represent the constituency that sent them as representatives to our Capitol? They’ve raised their own pay and the inflationary minimum wage (little else), and today they pretend to wonder why the markets are in upheaval.

They exercise a risky scheme involving a scary level of resources trying to convince the uneducated that the ‘Market’ IS ‘The Economy’. Muddy the waters, obfuscate and lie if they think the ends justify the means. Stalin would be proud.

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