Friday, July 27, 2007

The Dimwitted Losers of Reid/Pelosi

Many of us have expressed our feelings that the Democratic Party leadership(?) are the terrorists' best friends. It seems to this DAV that they go out of their way to decimate the anti-terrorist attack programs that this country has initiated since 91101.

Thanks to the Clinonistas, the Chiefs of such organization being Billy Bob Cigar Toy Boy and the would-be Czarina, (Bill and Hillary, for those on the left); the intelligence agencies were decimated to a nearly non-effective force, as Tenet even so admitted.

The Clintonistras filled positions of National Security with fellow followers of the Clintonistra dogma of Hate America and Blame America First, including the CIA. They ignored the FACT that the Jihadists declared war on the United States during the Clintonistra Kingdom.

Today, as I scan the internet that Gore made, I ran across this gem:

Wiretap Debacle; How politics has gutted the terrorist surveillance program.

Jockeying for political position, political power, at the expense of National Security is absolutely reprehensible. The Leftinistra screamed and hollered about the theoretical Domestic Spying Program which, we ALL know (even them) was not a domestic spying program at all. So much so that the "unconstitutionality" ruling of the Leftinistra judge was reversed by a Judge of Conviction.

The Leftinistra are doing everything in their Loser Mentality Power Lust to uproot any and ALL programs that may benefit our security.
That's right: If an al Qaeda operative in Quetta calls a fellow jihadi in Peshawar, that call may well travel through a U.S. network. This ought to be a big U.S. advantage in our "asymmetrical" conflict with terrorists. But it also means that, for the purposes of FISA, a foreign call that is routed through U.S. networks becomes a domestic call. So thanks to the obligation to abide by an outdated FISA statute, U.S. intelligence is now struggling even to tap the communications of foreign-based terrorists. If this makes you furious, it gets worse.
Read the rest of the article. It is much too long to repost here. Take some notes and then become more furious at the Leftinistra than you already are.

The following links will direct you to others that are "disgusting" this:
Discussion: Washington Post, Left in the West, Power Line, Betsy's Page, Macsmind, Washington Times and Firedoglake

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