Sunday, July 1, 2007

Mike Huckabee

President Mike Huckabee?
President Mike Huckabee?
Saturday, March 03, 2007 11:41 PM

CPAC 2007

Out of this meeting of the Conservative Political Action Committee, several items of interest cropped up. From the politicians that showed up, there seemed to be a man that the media has yet to hound-dog. And that is Mike Huckabee. He had an interesting statement that particularly stuck out like a sore thumb and was a stinging sentiment. And what a statement it was.

“We can’t afford to elect people who simply reflect a culture and reflect a common view, but don’t necessarily believe it.”—former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee.

PARSE THAT!! What does that statement mean and what are the implications? Is he implying that politicians speak out of all 97 sides of their faces just to obtain votes? Does he mean that politicians say what people want to hear whether they believe it or not…just to win elections? HOLY COW!!

It is said that the statement was aimed at Senator John McCain, Rudy Giuliani and former Governor Mitt Romney, the three frontrunners of the GOP. I don’t agree. I am more inclined to assert that it was a blanket indictment of our modern American political system. For many years, we have seen to our dismay and gaffes, whether we accept it or not, that far too often than not, our leaders say one thing and then do another.

They can’t seem to get elected unless they are like that – multi-faced liars. What ever happened to personal and professional integrity? They can’t get elected because they are honest? But that seems to be truth, these days. It seems that they have to sell their souls to their political wranglers. Politics today is similar to the every day ops of the IRS…what’s the point? Who knows what is going on? Why bother to vote if the candidates obtaining offices are not to be trusted?

And that is EXACTLY what has happened in this country today. People are not voting because it doesn’t matter, anyway. This is the result when government is the ruling body contrary to the United States Constitution. According to The United States Constitution, “We The People” are the ruling body and, as the majority of the people “rule”, the people we elect are bound to do OUR bidding. This is not the case any longer and, it hasn’t been this way since President James Earl Carter.

President Ronald Wilson Reagan had the process being reversed but President William Jefferson Clinton did a fine job of reversing the reversal. RWR had said (paraphrase mine) that big government wasn’t the answer to the problems but big government was the cause of the problems. The expansion of government began in earnest under Clinton and necessarily, but not acceptably so, due to the GWOT, the size of the government has expanded even further.

Yes, I am beginning to like this Mike Huckabee. Then again, him being a devout Southern Baptist, the Leftinistra will have coronaries, strokes and scream, “Foul ball!” at every turn. The Leftinistra prefer liars to lead them…just take a look at their current leaders.

Men of honor, integrity, honesty and the courage of their convictions need not apply…anymore.

What has our country come to? God help us all.

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