Sunday, July 1, 2007

Professor Jihad

Professor Jihad Saga
Professor Jihad Saga
Sunday, March 04, 2007 12:08 PM

Professor Jihad Exposed…Again

“(Expletive) you, infidel. I have tenure.”

That is the message that many investigative reporters have received when finally confirming and exposing the Professor of Jihad at Kent State University.

How many more of these Professors of Jihad do we have in our college campuses here in the states? In a time of war especially, where is the line drawn between free speech and subversion? Is this particular individual a US citizen?

This is quite ominous: “His Chair did not help matters at all when publicly admitted this week that Pino has confessed to him that he does contribute to the site – although he does not “own” it. Well, that certainly clears him. Just like the guy I know who committed murder and later said – after being caught with the smoking gun - that he didn’t “own” it. He just fired a few shots from it. That’s all.”

The mincing of words…both socialist liberals and their cohorts of the Jihadists do that well.

And then, from Kent State, “Kent State issued a statement yesterday - after an investigation that took hours – saying that there is, a) no evidence connecting Pino to the site (which contradicts his Chair’s statements), and b) no evidence he used Kent State resources in the activities he allegedly wasn’t involved with.”

Sounds like a grand candidate for the Democratic Party to me.

One just wonders why the vaunted Main Stream Press, now dubbed Lame Stream Press isn’t all over this.

Professor Jihad…the Saga Continues

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