Saturday, September 1, 2007

I Guess It Is All Over

Seeing that Syria has declared that the United States "is a terrorist nation" and in their "death throes" the terrorists in Iraq are taking their toll on civilians, and if the United States would just leave, all things would return to normal, well, I guess we should just leave.

Several articles can be accessed at Memeorandum but, the LA Times has a thing or two to say.
BAGHDAD -- Bombings, sectarian slayings and other violence related to the war killed at least 1,773 Iraqi civilians in August, the second month in a row that civilian deaths have risen, according to government figures obtained Friday.

In July, the civilian death toll was 1,753, and in June it was 1,227. The numbers are based on morgue, hospital and police records and come from officials in the ministries of Health, Defense and the Interior. The statistics appear to indicate that the increase in troops ordered by President Bush this year has done little to curb civilian bloodshed, despite U.S. military statements to the contrary.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Then again, the Lame Stream Media cares nothing about truth...just their Leninist leanings. Are these numbers concentrated in the Baghdad region or are they nation wide?

Could it be that the terrorists are trying to appeal to the appeasers and the bleeding-heart America Haters?

Should the United States gracefully bow out of Iraq and let the chips fall where they may?

When the dust settles, will the terrorists be "nice religious people" and allow the freedoms we enjoy and have taken for granted? Were these terrorists Mr Nice Guy in Afghanistan? Do Mr Nice Guys murder innocents? Does Mr and Mrs Nice Family raise their children to strap bombs on their bodies and waltz into cafes and self detonate?

Perhaps the individuals that believe their own silliness would be better off discovering just what makes the terrorists "tick" before they are consumed by Leftinistra rhetoric.

With all of the great news of one success after another coming out of Iraq, is it any wonder at all that the Lame Stream Media and Reid The Grand Loser are trying to spin the news into that which it is not?


Just one more link before I go. The sad - sacks on the left have a zero to worship

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