Sunday, October 5, 2008

UHOH!! Is This It? Is Biden Out? UPDATED


Do recall several weeks ago that there were rumors and reports that due to medical circumstances, Joe Biden would be replaced with Hillary Clinton. In a report from Al Reuters:

Biden cancels campaign events, illness in family

WILMINGTON, Del. - With a sick relative and a son headed off to war, Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Biden has grounded his campaign for a few days.

Biden canceled a visit to Washington, D.C., on Saturday night and a trip to Virginia on Sunday because of what a spokesman called “a serious illness” in the family of his wife, Jill. [...]
Prayers rising and going out to the family in this time of need. I know what it is like to have illness in the family AND sending a son off to war.


Sad news. Joe's mother-in-law has passed away. Prayers and condolences go out to the family.

More at Memeorandum...

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