Friday, November 28, 2008

Reeducating The Yutes: Part 2


Please reference Part 1.

The comments which have inspired this series can be located here for the thread referenced in Part 1.

The second and third comments in the post originally written here is what we will deal with in this post. To be clear, please take note that the comments do not address the lies of Obama and his migration from the far-left Marxist ideology to the alleged and feigned centrist ideologies now being put forth by The One Messiah. The Czarbie apologists have begun there realization...Obama lied just like we said he was doing. The one placing the comments has also ignored the birth certificate issue, the democrat fear-mongering quagmire; self induced, the Democrat Party history of slavery, bigotry, the formation of the KKK, voter and campaign fraud and their unconstitutional principles and practices while claiming others have shredded the document. However, that is to be expected because one cannot debate the Leftinistra on Principles and Policies and Issues...they lose every time. They would "Rather" talk about their fantasies and their lies as if they are Truth. With that said, let us begin.

Comment #2 by Liberal A: (notice the unoriginal cut and paste technique...they have no originality to speak of)
Here is a section from Encarta about a great liberal thinker who influenced our founding fathers:

John Locke
Print this section

An influential early liberal was the English philosopher John Locke. In his political writings, which deeply influenced the framers of the United States Constitution, he argued for popular sovereignty, the right of rebellion against oppression, and toleration of religious minorities. According to the thought of Locke and his many followers, the state exists not to promote people ’s spiritual salvation, but to serve its citizens and to guarantee their life, liberty, and property under a constitution.

Much of Locke ’s philosophy is reflected in the writings of the Anglo-American political philosopher and writer Thomas Paine, who argued that the authority of one generation should not be considered binding on its successors, that the state is perhaps necessary but still an evil, and that a belief in divine order was all the religion that need be demanded of free people. Thomas Jefferson also echoed Locke in the Declaration of Independence and in later pronouncements defending revolutions, attacking paternalistic government, and upholding free expression of unpopular opinions.

In France, Locke ’s philosophy was taken over by the leaders of the French Enlightenment, notably by the author and philosopher Voltaire. He insisted that the state should be supreme over the church and demanded universal religious toleration, abolition of censorship, lenient punishment of criminals, and a strong state acting only under general rules of law against forces obstructive of social progress and individual liberty. For Voltaire as for the French philosopher and dramatist Denis Diderot, the state is a machine for the creation of happiness and a positive instrument designed to check a strong nobility and a strong church, the two forces they considered most uncompromisingly dedicated to the conservation of old institutions. encyclope...Liberalism.html
They make it hard to read sometimes with the cut and paste deals due to the odd-ball symbols. This is usually the sign that they have brought another's verbiage to the Debate Table because they have none of their own that mean anything. Their own verbiage that they write themselves is normally rife with ad homs and emotional drivel and has absolutely no basis in fact except for the usual moniker of "google it". Such shallow and child-like idiocy makes me chuckle and can inspire posts such as this.
do you see where liberals influenced the founders of this country and our constitution?????? You are completely ignorant. you like to use stupid labels like all you right wing non-thinkers. Liberalism Marxism. how about fascism and GW Bush. You people have just about destroyed our whole country and still you are spewing your ignorant chatter without any decent policies or concrete suggestions in sight. you are a disgrace to any intelligent society. Go get yourself an education. You hold degrees? Really hard to believe unless it is one of those right wing religious schools that make up their own "facts".

Fact: a photograph of Obama's birth certificate is online here: birth.html

if you are a history major, you should respect modern day historians,

here's an article about some of their thinking.there are other even worse polls of their opinions. maybe most historians are liberals because they have studied history and they see what policies and ideas are for the common good and which are not and which are actually destructive news...dent_in_history

I am just curious. you appear to be one of the 26% who think Bush has done a hell of a job.. just tell me why you think it is a good thing that he gutted all of our regulatory agencies- including those that protect our food and our environment, not to mention those that used to regulate financial institutions and the trading of commodities. Please tell me how that is a good thing.

then tell me why it is right that this disgraceful human being politicized our whole JUstice department. Is that what freedom and democracy are all about. yes our country is referred to as a democracy. JUst like Bush the idiot says he is spreading democracy all around the world-via war and torture. did you see how those world leaders refused to shake his hand??? I guess degrees are easy to come by these days. Bush has a degree from Yale and the whole world knows he is a know nothing who admitted to having read only one book that wasn't about Baseball or wasn't the Bible-his first debate..

oh well, you will keep spewing your nonsense, I am sure..


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