Saturday, November 29, 2008

Reeducating The Yutes: Part 3


Reference Parts 1 and 2.

This is getting quite entertaining. What we have here is an official professional libtard idiot troll. Yes sir. A Pro Troll. What with all of the leaping and plunging to a previously perceived conclusion, their emotions take over and infer just about anything imaginable to support their inability to produce any substantiation at all. Simply amazing.

I was going to place three of the comments, #s 4, 5 and 6 here but I have changed my mind. It makes the posts too long. So, I will utilize #4 comment from the original post that started this reeducation process.

Comment #4 from Libtard Troll A:
as those of us who have gone to school know: a federal republic is a form of democracy: Your labels are silly and show an inability to think critically and in-depth. everything isn't just black or white- old snoopy

Encarta Answers
(Greek demos, "the people �; kratein, “to rule�), political system in which the people of a country rule through any form of government they choose to establish. In modern democracies, supreme authority is exercised for the most part by representatives elected by popular suffrage.
More about Democracy | Source q=democracy

The poor thing is stuck on whether or not we are a Democracy because IT has never taken the time to actually read our Constitution. If IT had, IT would know that we are not a Democracy but a Federal Republic operating under Democratic Principles.

IT has also revealed several of ITS "other identities" by using specific monikers.

It matters not a wit what people of today call or label the Nation we call the United States. What matters is what is in the US Constitution. It really is that simple and the simpletons should be able to decipher and discern this. Hell, my 13 year old can.

Don't you just love how the libtards say things like, "as those of us who have gone to school know: ", and then quote someone else? ROFLMAO!

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