Saturday, November 29, 2008

Reeducating The Yutes: Part 5


Reference Parts 1 and 2 and 3 and 4.

This series started with this post right here.

This is the last comment to be dissected for the originating post here. Part 6 of this series will be created by comments placed in Parts 1 and following of this series called Reeducating The Yutes.

Comment #6 from Liberal A: this is a doozy
the united states is not a Democracy????
Are you insane?? do you read anything other than your own whack job authorities. the whole world considers the US a democracy. You and your ilk are terrifying to the future of any rational society. where are your answers to the questions I have posed to you. where is the debate. it is you who are not capable of debate because you have no facts to back up your nonsensical assertions.

how is it unconstitutional to provide health care to all of our citizens?
we have done this for senior citizens for decades. it has never been found to be unconstitutional. please explain how it is unconstitutional. you made an assertion. you should be able to explain what makes it unconstitutional

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