Sunday, July 27, 2008

Czarbama and the Civilian National Security Forces


This is getting even more and more curious and outrageous by the nanosecond.

In my previous post here (one of 19 including this one) on this subject of Barack Insane Hussein Nobama's Civilian National Security Forces, as shown here, I explained Obama's intentions utilizing his own verbiage as expressed in the USA Today interview in the Military Times on 08 July 08. His intentions are clear but the Lame Stream Media including Fox News are too busy licking the seats that Barack rises from.

Now, today, just a few moments ago, I noticed a Gateway Pundit post entitled, Obama Caught Stealing Ideas From Cuban Communist Regime. Sounds about right but to my surprise, it was in reference to Barack's Yoots Brigades. As Gateway has done, so will I.

In order to get the full import of the following blog post, one must actually click the link to Babalu Blog and read what someone that used to live under a regime that actually had a Civilian National Security Force. I might add that Gusana is very, very, very angry.

Our You Tube entry on this subject is here, major HT to x_dhimmi (deb). And yes, we are correct in our conclusions. Why else is Barack and his press moppets so silent?

Previous posts in regards to the Enemy of The State running for President of the USA

Barack's Storm Troopers - The Obama Youth Corps
The Aspirants To The Presidency Say A Lot Of Things, But...
Obama's Brown Shirts Faux Pas Gains More Scrutiny
Op-Ed: Sith Lord Obama and His Civilian National Security Force
What Does Barack Obama Intend? (video snippet) (You Tube)
Pat Dollard: Pissed Off And Wants Blood
Baracks' Civilian National Security Force - Continuing Saga Unfolding
Sith Lord Obama: Another Gaffe?
Obama: The Subtleties of A Dictatorial Tyrant
Barack Obama To Be Protected By Terror Group
When A Duck Wadddles, Does It Look Like A Barack?
And All The People Said?
Nobama's Civilian National Security Forces Explained?
Czarbama and the Civilian National Security Forces
National Service Act: Czarbama's CNSF?
Barack's Storm Troopers - The Obama Youth Corp
Even Czarbama's Following Knows Something Ain't Quite Kosher
We Live In Upside Down Land
The Obama Youth: What's Next?
Barack's Civilian Army Just Keeps Getting More And More Intreresting
National Service Act: Amerika's Newest Conscript Nation

Joining the fray:

Gateway Pundit
Babalu Blog


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