A Fraud Veteran
One of these days, this fraud and I will meet. IT is a troll from the Moonbats In Training blog over at the retarded and worse of the worse forums/blogs ever conceived and mismanaged...the RNC run gop.com blog.
This is an example of what they allow to be posted. It seems as though the RINOs of the RNC are indeed defeatists themselves.
So maybe it would be a good idea if we stopped meddling in the affairs of other nations. The United States has no business dictating how other nations (Iraq) governments conduct themselves. Nor should our elected officials be influenced by lobbyists of other nations (Israel) about how we formulate our foreign policies.
Semper Fidelis (from Iraq)
Posted by Smedley Butler on Thursday, August 23, 2007 4:31 PM | Reply
One of these days...