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Greetings. After this weekend, this Take Our Country Back Blog will be moving to the new web site. Too many conservatives are getting zapped by the intolerant dweebs of the Obama Goons and seeing that this editing platform is a free site, Blogger can do pretty much what it feels like doing. Hence, I now have a paid site and will be migrating the last 1400+ posts shortly.

So, one day, you just may click this page somewhere and it will show up as "private". It has been fun but the intolerant Czarbie Goon Squads are brain dead idiots. They can come play at the new site which I OWN outright.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Global Cultural Jihad


Thou shalt NOT criticize Islam! Thou SHALT criticize Christianity and you WILL like it or some Islamic scum sucking sheethead is going to cut your damn head off.

HT to Yid With Lid via WND, we have a story - one of many - where Global Jihad, Global Islam, Global Cultural Jihad, Global Caliphate is coming to YOUR home neighborhood and if you DARE "whine" about it, expect law suits and other such whale dung. You, as an American, do NOT have Freedom Of Speech. You have the freedom to accept the murderous teachings of Islam or off with your head.

A history textbook used in Sacramento and other schools in California teaches that Jihad is a good thing, it only means doing good works for God. Gee I never thought of putting Jihad and walking an old lady across the street in the same category, unless you blew the old lady up. [...]

Where do these people of alleged Higher Learning come up with this crap? Someone help me out here...really. I am confused.

Textbook: Islamic 'jihad' means doing good works Also includes Muslims fighting 'to protect themselves from harm'

What? Read the above linked articles and let me know where I have gone wrong. K?

In other news, we have Jihadist scum sucking mutant rabid murderous thug bastards using Canadian and American "rights" issues against the very countries they wish to take over. And, Canada and America aren't the only countries this is happening to either. They claim such ignorant rants such as "hate speech" and various other means of suppressing their oppositional elements...meaning Freedom Lovers. They want the freedom to suppress YOUR freedoms so they can have free reign over YOU! Get used to it. If you are too cowardly to do anything about it, you deserve everything they have coming your way...don't come whining to me...I won't protect you the sword of allah because I will be too busy protecting those that are fighting this crap with me currently.

A Syrian Islamic diaper-wearing bastard has warned Europe to knock off the criticism of Islam or face war. Long held from the publics' eye for political correctness considerations is the link between the Islamic-Nazism connections, proving further proof of the Nazi-Islamic collaboration.

HWT is running a 12-part series on Islam v West and YOU need to go there, go through every link and read all there is, print it out and keep it handy.

For my ever growing compilation of bloggers and other writers on this subject, I have two sources for you to begin your own studies. They are in my Google Reader here and here in the shared and public areas. The entries therein will change from time to time and if you complain to me about that, too bad...it is my compilation - go start your own.

An article that needs to be read and digested in this one, written by Joe Kaufman, located at Front Page Magazine...yes, that one...that VRWC rag that drives the Leftinistra and other socialist/communist trash and other anti-Americanist scum sucking worm-dirt candidates crazy...more so than usual.

You may want to familiarize yourselves with CAIR, ICNA, AKF, MAS, NAIT, HLF and MLFA.

Personally, I say , "Screw Islam!"

Liberal Hate Mongering is essentially the same as these Jihadist hate mongers...

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