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This Blog Is Moving

Greetings. After this weekend, this Take Our Country Back Blog will be moving to the new web site. Too many conservatives are getting zapped by the intolerant dweebs of the Obama Goons and seeing that this editing platform is a free site, Blogger can do pretty much what it feels like doing. Hence, I now have a paid site and will be migrating the last 1400+ posts shortly.

So, one day, you just may click this page somewhere and it will show up as "private". It has been fun but the intolerant Czarbie Goon Squads are brain dead idiots. They can come play at the new site which I OWN outright.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Progressives, Socialism and Czarbie: Same-Same


A while back SD from Wake Up Americans published a piece in regards to Reid practically begging Czarbie for some cash for other Senate races. Czarbie said to bugger off.
U.S. Senate majority leader Harry Reid made a personal plea to Barack Obama for financial help to grow the Democrats majority in the Senate. Obama's campaign, having opted out of public financing for the general election, refused Reid's request.

The Politico reports Barack Obama, to date, has sent two e-mail and two direct-mail donation pitches on behalf of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) and allowed Democrats to use his name, his wife's name and his vice president's name in email and online fundraising pitches but there is no joint events with Senate or House Democrats scheduled. [...]
More on this subject can be seen here at Memeorandum...

This makes me wonder if this is why Reid then stated that Czarbie doesn't have a clue. Kind of interesting isn't it? "Hey Barack! Can I have some of your money?" "Are you kidding? This is my money you idiot! Go get your own!" "That czarbie doesn't have a clue, does he?" yes, I know. That was a fictitious conversation but it was fun just the same. However, so much for that "share the wealth" thing. It is just a reminder that the "share the wealth" thing ONLY applies to the non-politicians among the populace...socialism doesn't apply to the elite. Kind of funny, actually. Czarbie says he is going to fix the economy and Reid says that Czarbie doesn't have a clue. Gee. When did he figure that out?

So, Czarbie being an outright Marxist-Socialist thug, is it any wonder
The more we know about this plant, the scarier the prospect of an Obama presidency is. How does a man, from virtually out of nowhere, with a really sketchy youth, a drug addled past, nefarious allegiances, alliances and support come to be one step away from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? Unfathomable.

Worse is the media's absolute silence on the man's dark past (and present). It is incredible. The media and Obama operatives have descended upon Alaska and have tried to make hay out of the firing of an insubordinate, old boy political hack, a much derserved firing (one that ought to be heralded not investigated).The latest on that media ruse? [...]
Read the List of 45 folks and then you tell me what Czarbie is. OK? If there is any doubt whatsoever about Czarbie's socialism or any other DNC leader, read this piece at the Swamp. That pathetic sot brags about their socialism.

Some are asking if the DNC will ever recover from Czarbie and as I have been saying for at least 2 years, Czarbie is the last straw for them. This is their last hoorah, as it were and i see it falling down and crashing into the Abyss of Obscurity.

Protein Wisdom
writes about Czarbie, Billy Jack and the 1970s. He is such a racist. Also, read about Intentionalism v Progressivism.

I heard Czarbie talking either yesterday or today about yet another economic stimulus package and it will sure to cause someone at Redstate to once again beat their head against the wall. After all, didn't the last stimulus package work so well? Morons.

I suppose the Leftinistra are frightened because the "GOP Brand" is making a come back and whenever Conservatism goes up against Liberalism, Conservatism wins every time without fail.

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