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Sunday, July 8, 2007

Drilling For Justice

Michael Yon…Drilling For Justice

Drilling for Justice

Drilling for Justice

Army officers have been pleased with Michael Gordon’s portrayal of the events in Baqubah.

On 19 June American forces sealed off Baqubah and began attacking targets within the city. The immediate goal of Arrowhead Ripper was to free Baqubah of al Qaeda, by trapping and killing its members, but according to American officers here, public remarks by senior military officials may have flushed many AQI leaders before the attack. Despite this frustrating and significant setback, progress toward the end-state goal of Arrowhead Ripper—turning over Baqubah to Iraqi government control—appears to be working, at least in terms of the removal of the current AQI leadership and its quasi-government. There are conflicting signals about how many of the AQI leadership escaped before Arrowhead Ripper launched. This weekend’s capture of a possible high-value target in Baqubah indicates that not all AQI leaders successfully fled the city before the attack.

To read the rest, please click the link. Thanks.

  1. I have been saying this for years, but we are screwing ourselves in Asia, again.

    Check out Col. North’s comments in this. Then tell the libs to bugger off when they draw parallels between Viet Nam and now - it’s wholly manufactured, by them. And if they keep it up, it will come to pass.


    Comment by libertycard | June 25, 2007 | Edit

  2. The libs are friends and allies to our enemies. Especially Kennedy as he tried so hard to defeat Reagan’s push to defeat the USSR without firing a shot.

    Comment by snooper | June 25, 2007 | Edit

  3. […] is a report from a reporter that has been said to be trusted and liked by the […]

    Pingback by Heroes In Action « Freedom Ain’t Free & Take Our Country Back | June 26, 2007 | Edit

  4. Te soldiers in wjose unit the reporters are embedded shoudl always be given the right of veto. 100% veto power for every reporter.

    Comment by garfish | June 26, 2007 | Edit

  5. Exactly so. Michael Yon ALWAYS runs his reports through the chain of command. I hope the current NYSlimes man does the same.

    Comment by snooper | June 26, 2007 | Edit

  6. […] is a report from a reporter that has been said to be trusted and liked by the […]

    Pingback by For G.I.’s in Iraq, a Harrowing Day Facing a Trap at Conservative Times--Republican GOP news source. | June 26, 2007 | Edit

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