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Greetings. After this weekend, this Take Our Country Back Blog will be moving to the new web site. Too many conservatives are getting zapped by the intolerant dweebs of the Obama Goons and seeing that this editing platform is a free site, Blogger can do pretty much what it feels like doing. Hence, I now have a paid site and will be migrating the last 1400+ posts shortly.

So, one day, you just may click this page somewhere and it will show up as "private". It has been fun but the intolerant Czarbie Goon Squads are brain dead idiots. They can come play at the new site which I OWN outright.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Junior DNC Double Standard Ass

Please…Not Another DS Proponent

Barack Obama. Although I have no intentions of voting for the man, I did have some inkling of respect for him going up against The Rodham (Czarina) and for his “projected candor”. We all know that the politicians no longer represent “We The People”. The status quo in DC is unacceptable.

Shortly, I will have videos up in the VOD:POD of his “sound goods”.

On the same day that Barack Obama outlined his plan for tougher restrictions on lobbyists, the campaign manager to a rival Democratic presidential candidate questioned his commitment to practicing a new kind of politics.

His yapping to the Vocal Minority left fringe moonbats is laughable. It stems from the misconception that a “few radicals has hijacked a peaceful religion”. That statement right there and anyone agreeing with it, is not worthy to clean toilets at a zoo, let alone be POTUS.

Case in point. The below video, albeit the speaker has good intentions and the “sound good” sound bytes appear to be sincere, places on public display the ignorance of the inexperienced. When will politicians listen to those that know?

There are other videos in my VOD:POD listed under “favorites” of Barack. I haven’t “caught” him in any lies yet but I am sure they will follow. Of the three DNC front-runners, he appears to be the most honest. We all know that Hillary is a flat-out liar and criminal. Edwards has stated that he isn’t quite sure what a rich person is.

Naturally, no one being offered up by the DNC has a snowball’s chance in hell to match tit for tat with the likes of Fred Thompson.

Until We The People get someone that will adhere to the tenets of Reagan Conservatism, tis country will continue to suffer.


This is what I am talking about. The creature is out of touch and is doing EXACTLY what he has been whining about others doing. Double Standards. Moron.

CBS News: (go figure)

Sen. Barack Obama told a church convention Saturday that some right-wing evangelical leaders have exploited and politicized religious beliefs in an effort to sow division.

“But somehow, somewhere along the way, faith stopped being used to bring us together and faith started being used to drive us apart. Faith got hijacked, partly because of the so-called leaders of the Christian Right, all too eager to exploit what divides us,” the Democratic presidential candidate said in a 30-minute speech before a national meeting of the United Church of Christ.

“At every opportunity, they’ve told evangelical Christians that Democrats disrespect their values and dislike their church, while suggesting to the rest of the country that religious Americans care only about issues like abortion and gay marriage, school prayer and intelligent design,” he said.

  1. And, of course, he’s now saying the Christian right is responsible for the split in the country–what a maroon!

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 23, 2007 | Edit

  2. Appeasement. The Mark Of The Beast of Liberalism.

    Comment by snooper | June 23, 2007 | Edit

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