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Sunday, July 8, 2007

Michelle Malkin...The Silent Amnesty

The Silent Amnesty!

Great article by Michelle Malkin. I say it is great because it brings to light the Real Deal.

AS you follow the debate over the Bush-Kennedy immigration bill, keep this cardinal rule in mind: 99.99 percent of the lawmakers who promise you that they’ll ensure the deportation of anyone who doesn’t follow their new “guest-worker” regulations are either A) lying or B) completely clueless.

Personally, I would have offered C): Dumber than a troll. And then, I would as a D); All of the above.

Rule No. 2: Anyone who plays the Enforcement equals Kicking-Down-Doors-And-Depriving-Babies-of-Mother’s-Milk card (yes, that’s you, Geraldo Rivera) is either A) lying or B) completely clueless.

Geraldo is indeed clueless. Every time I hear him yammer about this issue, I have to make sure all weapons are safed and put away…TVs are expensive.

As I’ve reported many times over the last several years, the nation’s deportation abyss is governed by one reality: “It ain’t over ’til the alien wins.” Immigration lawyers and ethnic activists run a massive, lucrative industry whose sole objective is to help illegal aliens and convicted criminal visa holders evade deportation for as long as possible. Entry into this country should be a privilege, not a right. The open-borders lobby has turned that principle on its head.

Look no further than New York, where four convicted criminal aliens - a child molester, two killers and a racketeer - just won a federal lawsuit to remain here after all being ordered deported.

The stunning decision June 1 from the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, Blake v. Carbone will greatly expand the number of criminal aliens convicted of certain aggravated felonies who can now receive relief from deportation.

The lead winning plaintiff, Leroy Blake, is a Jamaican national convicted of first-degree sexual abuse of a minor in 1992. The feds began deportation proceedings in 1999. An immigration judge ruled Blake deportable in 2000.

Blake took his case to the federal Board of Immigration Appeals, which remanded the case back to the judge, who granted him relief from deportation. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) appealed the judge’s ruling. In 2005, the Board of Immigration Appeals sided with the INS and ordered Blake removed from the country. Blake filed a motion to reconsider, then took his case to the Second Circuit.

This is what is wrong with this picture as well as many more. NON-CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES ARE NOT AFFORDED THE PROTECTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. I have read and studied that document for years and I have yet to find where non-citizens are covered anywhere.

Oh, there will be some Leftinistra Dunceacrat or Repukelican that will yammer on and on about some judge which said this and that and the other thing but the FACT remains, there are NO provisions in the BODY of the United States Constitution that grants amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens, let alone granting ILLEGAL aliens access to our courts and our Constitution.

Want more?

* Aundre Singh, a native of Guyana, was convicted of second-degree murder in 1986. In 1997, the INS moved to deport him. In 1998, an immigration judge ordered him deported. In 1999, the Board of Immigration Appeals dismissed Singh’s appeal. In 2003, Singh filed a motion to reconsider, which the appeals board denied. Singh filed for reconsideration of that ruling, which was denied in 2004. He tried again to appeal the board’s ruling in 2005 and was denied again before heading to the Second Circuit for relief.

* Errol Foster, a Jamaican national, killed a man with a pistol in 1990. He pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter and got out of prison in 2002. The feds began deportation proceedings while he was still in custody. A judge ordered his removal in 2000, which Foster appealed. The Board of Immigration Appeals rejected his appeal in 2001. Four years later, Foster was still in the country - appealing the rejected appeal and filing three separate federal lawsuits before getting lucky with the Second Circuit.

* Ho Yoon Chong, a South Korean national, was sentenced in 1995 for racketeering. In 1998, the INS moved to deport him. In 2002, a judge ordered him deported. In 2004, the Board of Immigration Appeals sided with the judge. Like his fellow criminal aliens, Chong didn’t give up, and now he’s won the immigration litigation lottery.

I am quite sure that the list will be nearly endless how ILLEGAL aliens have been allowed to abuse our system of government all in the name of COMPASSION. To hell with compassion. The ILLEGAL aliens have more consideration that the Citizen Proper does. What the hell is up with that?

To add insult to injury:

Immigration lawyers representing criminal aliens like these four menaces have gummed up the court system with 11 years of litigation over two 1996 laws that severely restricted deportation waivers for aliens convicted of aggravated felonies.

Meanwhile, deportable aliens can appeal directly to their member of Congress to circumvent immigration laws through special legislation.

More than 50 bills have been introduced this year that would grant special, private relief to individual immigrants fighting deportation. Past and present beneficiaries have included smugglers, illegal aliens - and a convicted murderer, Mohuiddin A.K.M. Ahmed, who is wanted in Bangladesh for engaging in terrorist activity and participating in a 1975 assassination plot that left the prime minister and dozens of his family members dead.

AWWWWWWWWWWWWW! But they just want a shot at a better life! Why would you throw that to the breeze just for a few infractions of the law? Have a heart. Have some compassion for these poor, deprived and depraved people that really don’t know any better.

STFU! Sit down! And kiss my ass!

Democrats and Republicans alike continue to sponsor these “private relief” bills seeking to sabotage deportation efforts. The bills needn’t pass for the recipients to gain benefits. Mere introduction of the bills buys the deportable aliens time that law-abiding citizens can’t buy in our court system.

Open-borders Democrats led by Ted Kennedy bleat about the lack of “due process” for aliens, but immigration lawyers and their clients know the deal. Whether the Bush-Kennedy bill passes or not, it ain’t over ’til the alien wins.

And we are to believe that the latest and greatest ILLEGAL immigration non-amnesty amnesty bill is a “good thing for America”? Check out this post from yesterday then read the next item from Michelle. If you don’t take action against this bill, you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.

This is the real “silent amnesty” that no one in Washington will talk about. Go ahead. Ask them.

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