I Am A Proud Member of Vets For Freedom

For up to date progress in the War In Iraq, please visit Vets For Freedom, an organization I am proud to be a member in good standing of.

Veteran's Suicide Hot Line Number!

1-800-273-TALK (8255) Call this number if you need help!!

A Vast Collection Of Buzzings At Memeorandum

If you wish to catch a buzz without the usual after affects, CLICK TO MEMEORANDUM. (It will not disturb the current page) That will be all. We now return to regular programming.

This Blog Is Moving

Greetings. After this weekend, this Take Our Country Back Blog will be moving to the new web site. Too many conservatives are getting zapped by the intolerant dweebs of the Obama Goons and seeing that this editing platform is a free site, Blogger can do pretty much what it feels like doing. Hence, I now have a paid site and will be migrating the last 1400+ posts shortly.

So, one day, you just may click this page somewhere and it will show up as "private". It has been fun but the intolerant Czarbie Goon Squads are brain dead idiots. They can come play at the new site which I OWN outright.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Idiotic Petition Comments

I recently visited the Ban Islam Petition and discovered two interesting new comments. The petition asks the World Court to outlaw Islam because of its intrinsically evil doctrines & practices.

787. Morgan Brykein Care to read the First Amendment?
The petition's author is a citizen of Canada, not shaded by the First Amendment's umbrella of protection. The Canadian Human Rights Council has the power to persecute him. The amendment's establishment & free exercise clauses apply to the federal government of the U.S.A., they have no application to the World Court.

786. Frikka Wow Wow Freedom of religion, crackers, ever hear of it?
Casting aside the racial slur as irrelevant, I'll tackle the freedom of religion argument. Those persons fortunate enough to be under the First Amendment's umbrella of protection are shielded from establishment of a national church and protected from national interference with their faith & practice. Freedom of religion implies that we can't be compelled to believe or worship nor be obstructed from belief & practice.

Islam has no such provision. 3:85 declares that no religion will be accepted but Islam and those who seek other religions will be condemned to Hellfire. 8:39 & 9:29 declare unremitting warfare against pagans and Jews & Christians respectively until all resistance ceases, only Allah is worshiped and "people of the book" are humbled, subjugated & extorted. In Sahih Bukhari 1.8.387, Moe informs us that our lives & property are not sacred to Muslims until we become Muslims.

If Muslims are free to practice Islam, then the rest of us are deprived of the right to live in addition to our freedom of religion. Open your Qur'an to 2:216, which ordains Jihad for Muslims. Jihad is what a Muslim must do to avoid Hellfire and be assured of admission to Paradise. Open your Qur'an to 61:10 and read through the 13th ayeh. Muslims are obligated to fight in Allah's cause. Allah's cause is making his word and system dominate the entire world. Doubters & dissenters should turn to 9:33 followed by Sahih Bukhari 4.52.65. Offensive Jihad is fard Kifaya, binding on every able bodied male Muslim of military age until a sufficient number have answered the call. Defensive Jihad is fard Ayn, binding on every Muslim who can get to the front.

A Major Shift in Priorities

From Radarsite.
Michael Jackson is dead. All other current crises will now be put on hold. Sorry Ahmadinejad, sorry Kim Jong Ill, but your audiences have all left the room. No one is paying any attention to you today, current events have pushed you off the stage. Ahmadinejad, you will just have to continue work on your nuclear weapons without comment from the West. And Kim Jong Ill, your threats and provocations have no weight with us today. Your newsworthiness has been usurped by a much more significant story, a much more significant crisis.
Michael Jackson is dead. From Fox News to the BBC, it has already been decided, this is the major issue of the day. Forget about nuclear proliferation. Forget about escalating threats and impending confrontations. Forget about the Global War on Terror. The Western World has spoken, they have made their priorities known. The Western World has decided what is truly important today, and what is not. And you, Ahmadinejad, and you Kim Jong Ill, just don't have what it takes to compete with this current crisis. So, just do whatever you want to do, we're going to be ignoring you for awhile. You see, you're just not as important as you thought you were. - rg

Monday, June 22, 2009

Stop Socialized Medicine!

Conservatives for Patients' Rights is collecting signatures on a petition to stop the Socialized Medicine juggernaut. If you want to experience:

  • massive tax increases
  • massive premium increases
  • your insurance company going out of business
  • your employer going out of business or dropping health insurance benefits
  • nameless, faceless bureaucrats making your health care decisions
  • expanding waiting lists
  • health care rationing
then sit there and do nothing. If you want to prevent those evils, then sign this petition and urge your family, friends, & associates to sign it.

After signing the petition, visit http://www.congress.org to send emails to your Representative, Senators & President Obama. Make sure that they fully comprehend your outrage and contempt for their demagogic scheme which will certainly ruin the best health care system ever developed. Don't just say no, say HELL NO!!! Let them know that your next vote will depend on their votes on this crucial issue.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Obama Lowers the Bar for Hamas

Carter helping Hamas open talks with White House
Proposes plan bypassing U.S. demand for terrorist group to recognize Israel
Aaron Klein implies that President Carter is acting as a messenger boy for President Obama, bypassing the publicly stated requirements for negotiations with Hamas. Klein claims that Hamas told him that Obama's new, lower bar is acceptance of the "two state solution" & "Arab plan".

Even the previously published terms including recognition of Israel & previous commitments and renunciation of violence are incredibly idiotic & insane.
What rational person would trade tangible real property for insincere, easily revocable words?

Any sentient person who reads and understands the Charter of Hamas should recognize the fact that Hamas is a subset of Islam. It neither adds to nor subtracts from Moe's War Cult, but confirms its intrinsic evil. .

The Covenant opens with a quote from Al-Imran 110, which tells Muslims that they are the best of people ever raised up for mankind. Sahih Bukhari 6.60.80 explains the meaning of that ayat thusly: "The Verse:--"You (true Muslims) are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind." means, the best of peoples for the people, as you bring them with chains on their necks till they embrace Islam."

The next paragraph says "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it,". That should be your first clue: Hamas will never tolerate the existence of Israel. Hamas is dedicated to genocide & policide.

Article 8 reveals the slogan of Hamas: "Allah is its target, the Prophet is its model, the Koran its constitution: Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes.". Jihad is their path and shehade is their highest aspiration. Got a clue yet?

Article 9 reveals their objective: "They are the fighting against the false, defeating it and vanquishing it so that justice could prevail, homelands be retrieved and from its mosques would the voice of the mu'azen emerge declaring the establishment of the state of Islam, so that people and things would return each to their right places and Allah is our helper.". Note the highlighted words. False means Judaism , Christianity & everything other than Islam; only Islam is true, in their view. Justice means world domination by Islam. Retreival of homelands means irredentism: reconquest of Israel and Andalusia, followed by South East Europe.

Article 11 explains how Falestine became an Islamic Waqf: conquest. That should be your second clue. I have one more clue for you, this one should be conclusive to all but the village idiot. This clue comes from the concluding paragraph of Article 7. Intelligent lovers of life and liberty, men and women who hate supremacism & racism will read this and curse Hamas and Islam.

...the Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realisation of Allah's promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:

"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim).

That specific quotation reflects Sahih Bukhari 4.52.177 & Sahih Muslim 41.6985, it is the infamous genocide hadith. It tells Muslims that they can not obtain their rivers of wine and perpetual virgins until they complete their extermination of the Jews. Damned fools & ignoramuses do not comprehend Allah's promises. I hope, gentle reader, that you are not found among their legion. Al-Anfal 65 promises that twenty faithful Muslims would overcome 200 Kaffirs. Evidently they were not faithful enough, because Al-Anfal 66 reduced the kill ratio to 2:1. Allah promises victory in 5:52, 13:41, 14:15 and 40:51. But of course, that must be victory over sin; spiritual victory. If you harbor that illusion, then pull your head from your rectum long enough to read 3: 123-127

In case anyone remains clueless: Israel, by existing, proves Allah to be an impotent idol whose promises are vain. That is the ultimate blasphemy; no Muslim can or will tolerate it! For this simple reason, Israel can never obtain peace while there are living Muslims on this earth. No matter what promises Obama makes to them; no matter what concessions Israel makes, there will be no peace. You can have peace or Islam, you can not have both. What is your choice?

Sunni or Shi'ia, Al-Qaeda, Hamas or Hizbollah, there is only one thing to say to Islam, that being the same expression with which intelligent & informed Jews greeted Moe nearly 1400 years ago: "As-Samu-Alaikum.", which means "death be upon you" .

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