Pat Dollard: Pissed Off And Wants Blood
I don't blame Pat Dollard one bit. But, who is Pat Dollard anyway? Well, go here and find out.
Some time ago I penned a few posts and within those posts I expressed the thought and opinion that the Democrat Party leadership (the CONgress Critters) and their cohorts and fellow conspirators within the Republican Party leadership were directly responsible for the deaths and wounding of American and Coalition Forces fighting both in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I have performed a lengthy study on my own volition and although I am not ready to publish the entire chronologically correct tome, I did in fact find a correlation. And, I have confirmed that the political leaders in the very dishonorable halls of CONgress, in their quest of and for power and control of all things in this nation, have contributed directly to the losses of life in a combat zone. Not all but more than half. I also found that the war, at least in Iraq, would have been over and that which we are witnessing in Iraq today, could have been realized in early 2007 or late to mid-2006. But, there was an election to be won and that is all that mattered to the Leftinistra - damn them all.
In a previous post: From an Army Rangers' Mouth About Iraq
[...] ... know this. I despise the likes of Nancy Pelosi. Taking it a few steps further, I actually hate her and would not bemoan her demise - from natural causes, naturally.In this post entitled, Pelosi IS Guilty of Killing American Troops and Innocent Iraqi Civilians, we hear Nancy Pelosi herself thanking the government in Iran for, in essence, killing our Troops in and around Iraq. After all, it was Iran that has brought about the peace we are seeing now. (NOTE: our friend x_dhimmi (deb) made a You Tube video of Her Stretchness.)
In more recent posts, I have called for the investigation in regards to the deaths of American Troops both in Iraq and Afghanistan which can be directly attributed to the defaming and blind hatred of President Bush and our Troops by the likes of Nancy Pelosi. She is the ring leader in the Lower House, after all and it is within her power to stop the nonsense. I have conducted a specific investigation of my own and there is a direct correlation to the spikes in attacks on American and Coalition forces fighting in this war. One of those spikes resulted in Spain removing their forces from Iraq which was repaid by yet another terrorist attack in Spain as a heart-felt thank you to Spain from Al Qaida.
Anyone within the construct of government service which conducts themselves such as Nancy Pelosi and her similar ilk in regards to this war, that, by the way, they all signed onto, are a disgrace to this nation and by the very definitions of treason, subversion and sedition, an investigation is in order and charges are required to be levied.
The Army Ranger that has originally called into a radio broadcast show was killed in action fighting a war Pelosi approved of in the first place. Thank you Nancy et al for prolonging this war and contributing to the deaths of the men and women that protect you and thank you Nancy et all for contributing to the deaths of my Brothers In Arms. May you rot in hell. The blood on your hands will never wash away. [...]
In this post entitled, A Victory In Iraq Equates To A Defeat To Pelosi, one will find these quotes:
[...] Expect Pelosi to continue her efforts to discredit our military, since an American victory on the battlefield amounts to a Pelosi defeat at home. [...]As the nation is ravaged by rising fuel costs across the country; as the approval ratings of the DNC led CONgress plummet like an F4 with dual engine failures; as each and every Leftinistra "program" and thought process is proven to be dismal failures; instead of accepting the personal and professional responsibility that adults would do for their own shortcomings, what does Nancy do? She blames President Bush and the Republican Party.
[...] So why any thoughtful American with any common sense would continue to support or vote for today's Democratic Party is beyond me. [...]
[...] Thinking as far back as the Eisenhower administration, I don't remember any politician, on either side of the aisle, hating America and praising the enemy as much as Pelosi does. [...]
[...] Once again, the Democrats prove that the word "Democrat" is synonymous with "traitor." Pelosi is the latest Democrat to verge on committing treason.
Her comments about Iran prove that Democrats do indeed hate the military and their country.
What other conclusion can you come up with when she praises Iran, but not Gen. David Petraeus? [...]
I said all of the above at the risk of repeating myself to acknowledge that I am not the only one that feels the way I do. Below are screen shots that I took earlier today with the sole purpose of raking the scab off of an old would that will not heal.

We have an electorate that has been brainwashed into believing that Democrats are Republicans and Republicans are Democrats. They are being taught this in our schools and colleges across this nation. I met hundreds of them in my quest across Michigan. I was astounded and flabbergasted. The indoctrination of impressionable youths in our schools is unconscionable. It is unacceptable and it is our fault - the movers and shakers of the Conservative Movement. We have fallen down and we cannot get back up. Shame on us and shame on the Conservative leaders in CONgress for being the cowards they have turned out to be. Now, for the last screen shot. Pay attention.

So, for those of you that see it, please let us know what you see in the comments section of this post. Either enlarge the image or visit the web site. In case you are wondering, more than likely, the cause for Pat's rant in the caption for the photo just above this one, is due to what he also noticed.
Yes, we have some serious work to do. But, do we have leaders that will do that which needs to be done? Are we going to wait for someone else to do it or, are we going to take the bull by the horns and do it ourselves?
As for me, I am way ahead of most so, watch my smoke.